North Carolina

My "escapee" chicken has been missing for several days. I was hoping she had gone broody somewhere...and she did! My first broody this year. The neighbors came over and said they thought she was dead because she was sitting in the same spot and not moving
Good morning y'all!

Can I share my dilemma with you guys? Well, I've had my coop done for 3 weeks now and I love it. Some of you probably know, I live in a development in Forsyth county and I'm restricted by ordinances to only have 6 hens. (If only I could go back 8 years. Oh, well....Live and learn, I guess)  I was able to find two hens from a reliable, quality breeder in my area that I love. (1 black australorp and 1 light sussex) I want to have a variety in my flock so that my kids can really enjoy them as pets and for good egg laying. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be to find people willing to part with mature pullets or hens, which I totally understand. I wouldn't want to just sell my hens if I had put in all the work of hatching, feeding and raising them. The breeder I bought from only has black australorp still available.

Do any of you guys know where or know anyone willing to sell me a few quality hens that are around 12 weeks to a year old? I prefer large heritage breeds, but I'm open to anything really. Or do any of you guys live in or near my area and have some hens you would be willing to part with?

Thanks in advance for your help and advice! Hope you all have a great day!:frow

Pm me. I have a light brahma and a speckled sussex I can part with.
Looks like I better start looks for giant cardboard boxes!!
I forgot to mention that I use heating pads (on old cookie cooling racks with old towels and more cardboard scraps as insulation) as electric hens so I'm not concerned with fire risk from heat lamps, but if you are making a cardboard city, be very careful with your heating elements!
I forgot to mention that I use heating pads (on old cookie cooling racks with old towels and more cardboard scraps as insulation) as electric hens so I'm not concerned with fire risk from heat lamps, but if you are making a cardboard city, be very careful with your heating elements! 

Oh thank you! Yup no fires in the garage ha
Wow, lots of medical professionals here. My brother is an ER doc in Denver. I too got the geek gene, but express it in the field of 0s and 1s...I'm a contract web developer by day, snake farmer by night. Plus the chickens and ducks. And some dogs. And whatever else happens to catch my attention. Math.

I need a Mandarin hen or 1.2 trio, can anyone help a sistah out?
hey all

Had a hen go broody 27 days ago 24 days ago I counted 13 eggs under her. I have not disturbed her and she has stayed on them almost all the time. So far nothing, I attempted to candle them today couldn't see much the flashlight might not be strong enough.

question I have is what should I do? I need to do some more searching other threads but thought I would ask the folks here. Still learning and first broody.
RN here as well, in the NICU specifically. I would love to have a litthe homestead but I don't see it happening soon. I'll settle for 3 dogs, 3 cats and 6 chickens...for now ;-)

NICU!!!! My twin boys were 23 weeks..1 pound 6.5 oz and. 1/pound 7.5 oz.

Six months in NICU and $2.5 million in hospital perfect little men starting kindergarten this fall!

I am on a board of directors at Cape Fear Valley Fayetteville

Love my NICU folks
NICU!!!! My twin boys were 23 weeks..1 pound 6.5 oz and. 1/pound 7.5 oz.

Six months in NICU and $2.5 million in hospital perfect little men starting kindergarten this fall!

I am on a board of directors at Cape Fear Valley Fayetteville

Love my NICU folks

Love hearing success stories, especially 23 weekers! :)

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