North Carolina

A QUICK run down of Avian Influenza

There is AI in the states (2 strains if I remember correctly), has been since last fall on this go around (a different strain of AI has been here before). There are a few states that have stopped bird gatherings (shows, swaps, etc.), even states who don't have it yet. It is spread by wild birds (mostly waterfowl). Once a group of birds has tested positive for AI, any bird on that place is killed (even house birds) so it's unlikely that hatching eggs or chicken trading is spreading it as I hear you know if you have it or not as your birds get very sick quickly and start dying off within 3 days of getting infected with AI (though not all birds die from it). There are a few places online you can go to get correct, current information on it. All eating eggs/ birds are fine for human consumption if cooked properly. I do encourage everyone to read up on the AI as it will more in likely be here by fall with the migrating birds.
I have never had any ducks....only my lady hens! However, a friend just posted a pair of Pekin Ducks to give away to a good home. They had been kept as pets (bet it was an Easter surprise.....I hate people do that) They have named them with boy/girl names and they are good looking. Would like to have a good home for them somewhere in the Rocky Mount area (or within a meeting distance). I know that a lot of people who have chickens also have ducks. If anyone is interested...please let me know ASAP....thanks a bunch. (not to go to a home to be eaten)
I was wondering if anyone has any standard size Cochins around the Fayetteville area? We have bantam Cochins amoung several other breeds but I am desperately wanting some larger fowl in the mix. Thank you in advance for any advice or help.
Found out one of my other hens must have ate/killed one of the chicks came home and the brick holding the door to the play pen/ broody box was nocked down and half the babes were out side the box and one was gone no sign of blood or anything just poof gone
the little ones haven't figured out how to use the bricks as steps yet and momma was sitting at the edge of the broody box watching them and calling to them so she is trying to do her job i just can't seam to do mine *sigh*

edit to ask is anyone going to the Statesville sale at southern states saturday?
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Found out one of my other hens must have ate/killed one of the chicks came home and the brick holding the door to the play pen/ broody box was nocked down and half the babes were out side the box and one was gone no sign of blood or anything just poof gone :hit the little ones haven't figured out how to use the bricks as steps yet and momma was sitting at the edge of the broody box watching them and calling to them so she is trying to do her job i just can't seam to do mine *sigh*:barnie  

edit to ask is anyone going to the Statesville sale at southern states saturday? 

I had a similiar experience last year..I use dog exercise pens with netting over the top.. ran inside for 2 seconds and when I came out one had vanished..all the others were acting fine so I didn't think anything snatched it, thought maybe it just got out..I looked EVERYWHERE with no was about 5-6pm so I took the rest back inside and chalked it up to a lesson learned the hard way.. the next morning, I went to let the big chickens out and swore I was hearing phantom peeping..went in and got the babies and put them in their pen and started fiddling around the coop..kept hearing the ghost chick and then next thing I know, the missing chick popped out from under the coop..not only did the lil girl survive the night alone and cold, but she made it a good 200 yards from where she got out to under the coop..
hopefully your lil one is hiding can happen ♡♡
Good morning folks and welcome to the new ones

Either the girls have started to slow because of the heat
or we have a few egg eaters in some pens. I'm not sure
what turns a hen into an egg eater but we usually find out
which hen and she becomes dinner. We have never had
any luck in breaking them from eating eggs.

hope everyone has a good day
Has anyone in the cedar creek area been experiencing an increase in snakes in thier chicken coops? I have had multiple snakes this year. Had a 6 foot snake eat 8 of my babies in one morning

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