North Carolina

Not sure what that is exactly. Lol. I've been using home defense for the outside then went and got that other stuff spectracide triazicide and now I'm fogging it. Bout time for me to head back. :( now to go clean up that mess. FANTASTIC! This is just what I wanted to do on my day off y'all! Bugs r the spawn of satan. Yuck. Gross. Now I feel all icky inside. Knowing I have to go mop and vaccuum and wipe everything down. I'm not looking forward to this part. But hopefully it killed all the bugs. I live in a small 2 br 1 bath singlewide. So I'm hoping and praying 2 bombs were enough.
Coop, how much of the ivermectin do you use when doing your chickens? Just noticed some mites on one of my girls and want to try and start as soon as possible. Also where do i apply this, base of neck between shoulders and near the vent?
Thanks Allen
Woo, haven't been on in a bit... hope everyone is doing well!

So, I'm up to eight broodies now! O.O; Thinking about ordering some Salmon Fav hatching eggs for them to sit on, but I have zero experience with buying/shipping hatching eggs. Any advice?

Lots of good people to buy from on here..try to find them as close as possible..check air cells upon arrive and mark any with wobbly cells..let them sit a full 24 hours upright to give cells a chance to reattach..

I've only ever hatched shipped eggs in an incubator but I let mine with bad cells sit upright 5 days in the incubator before turning the turner on, so that's something to consider when putting them under a broody..hopefully someone with more XP using a broody for shipped eggs will chime in
Coop, how much of the ivermectin do you use when doing your chickens? Just noticed some mites on one of my girls and want to try and start as soon as possible. Also where do i apply this, base of neck between shoulders and near the vent?
Thanks Allen

Birds with mites, we put the ivermectrin on all areas where the mites are and around vents,
crests if the bird has one, under the wings.
We use a small syringe and apply a drop in each area that has mites. If the bird has mites
over the entire body, we dip the bird in a solution of 8 oz liquid sevin or carbaryl, 6.5 oz mineral oil,
20 tbsp shampoo to 5 gallon warm water. Works very well on the Northern Fowl mites and can be
sprayed in the coop to kill mites. When dipping birds be sure to put the bird in a warm room or sunny
area on a warm day. Good luck.
Hey y'all! I've got a question.

I have a backyard flock of 6 hens. My original 4 are a year old and have been steady layers almost daily since spring. My light Sussex (who is the one in charge) recently went broody. Since she has gone broody, the other 3 girls have almost quit laying too!
Is this normal?

I went from 3-4 eggs a day, to only 1 now! (And that's my Australorp the only reliable one that lays daily)
I've tried to break my Sussex from being broody. I can only have a flock of 6 hens in my area, and I don't have a Roo..... I can't really seperate her from the others because I only have one coop and run with limited space. Any ideas on what I can do? I've read the thread on breaking a broody hen, but will have to wait til I can get a large crate to try that.

Well this would be a good time to worm them, less eggs would be wasted. I had two broodies one got some eggs and the other I left alone and took all her eggs away daily. she lasted maybe two weeks until she gave up.
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Hey everybody, Hubby and I have discussed it, and it looks like it will be August/early September before we can afford to have the tractor built. Is that too late to start? I want about 8 hens, 2 EE's for my daughter and a good mix of friendly brown layers so I can tell them all apart. Given that now, I am Chicken obsessed I am spending all my free time trying to get my "chicks" in a row so to speak. I live just west of Winston-Salem and found this on Craigslist Is anybody familiar with them? I like that they sell younger pullets, (5 to 7 weeks old) young enough to still form a bond with us but I don't have to worry this first time with a brooder etc. They can go straight into the coop. Any other suggestions of where to go or what to get that I can buy along to have ready? Dang this obsessive personality that won't let me just be patient and wait lol! the Tolbunt ♡♡ I have 2 dozen in the incu cooking. Keep waving my magic mojo wand hoping this group does better than the last but honestly I'm happy with any I get ♡♡

Here's my "boy"

He's hitting his gawky stage and is all ostrich upright looking bc I had him on top of the brooder and he was nervous

Here is my tolbunt girl

But I have no luck with her eggs, they are always duds. Any advice?
Not sure what that is exactly. Lol. I've been using home defense for the outside then went and got that other stuff spectracide triazicide and now I'm fogging it. Bout time for me to head back. :( now to go clean up that mess. FANTASTIC! This is just what I wanted to do on my day off y'all! Bugs r the spawn of satan. Yuck. Gross. Now I feel all icky inside. Knowing I have to go mop and vaccuum and wipe everything down. I'm not looking forward to this part. But hopefully it killed all the bugs. I live in a small 2 br 1 bath singlewide. So I'm hoping and praying 2 bombs were enough.

Sorry, just saw this..but DE= diatomaceous earth..can be found in a small container for about $8 in chicken section of Tractor's like 8lbs and that's going on 2 years worth for me. I occasionally use it as a dust for the chickens but not often bc it will kill honeybees..there's a lot of pros/cons, but if you are smart using it and just don't go slinging it here and there you won't have any issues..

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