North Carolina

Well added a rooster (only a week or 2 younger than my pullets) to the flock on Sunday. Got it from a family that is getting rid of all the leghorns they have.But going back and getting the rest of the pullets they have for sale (same age as the cockerel). I did have a couple "I'm king of the roost" issues with the "alpha female" but, yesterday all seems to be fine now.

I am adding 7 more pullets, and 1 cockerel to the flock Thursday or friday from the same gent I got the cockerel from on Sunday.

Also found out one of my bantams is a male. So that brings me to my next question.

I will have a total of 3 males, 2 leghorns and 1 bantam. Do I need to get rid of one of the male leghorns to keep only 2 instead of 3 around?

I will have a total of 13 female leghorns, and 3 female bantams.
I don't have FB. I was asking because I got a rooster there Sunday and within 30 minutes of arriving home he was dead.

Heat stroke would be my first guess. I would guess that he was in a box or small cage for at least a few hours with no water at the auction and on his way there. In the temperatures we've been having, that could very easily be fatal. So sorry! That's very sad.
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I don't have FB. I was asking because I got a rooster there Sunday and within 30 minutes of arriving home he was dead.

Heat stroke would be my first guess. I would guess that he was in a box or small cage for at least a few hours with no water at the auction and on his way there. In the temperatures we've been having, that could very easily be fatal. So sorry! That's very sad.

That would be my first guess also. It was extremely hot and add some stress. Sad.... Sorry to hear that.
I don't know but sanitize santize sanitize from contact with wild birds. They carry nasty stuff and can create a biosecurity risk. Wild birds are the carriers of AI especially during migratory seasons. I don't feed birds. I have no birdhouses or birdbaths any more.

I did sanitize right away. All my neighbors are avid bird feeders. I'm definitely worried about AI I told him about the box and suggested it be torn down completely...From what i could see it wasn't salvageable...but I walked away once I realized what was in there!
Well added a rooster (only a week or 2 younger than my pullets) to the flock on Sunday. Got it from a family that is getting rid of all the leghorns they have.But going back and getting the rest of the pullets they have for sale (same age as the cockerel). I did have a couple "I'm king of the roost" issues with the "alpha female" but, yesterday all seems to be fine now.

I am adding 7 more pullets, and 1 cockerel to the flock Thursday or friday from the same gent I got the cockerel from on Sunday.

Also found out one of my bantams is a male. So that brings me to my next question.

I will have a total of 3 males, 2 leghorns and 1 bantam. Do I need to get rid of one of the male leghorns to keep only 2 instead of 3 around?

I will have a total of 13 female leghorns, and 3 female bantams.

How much space do you have for them? And do you keep them all together? Free range? I think one rooster could cover 13 females. Mine does. Had to get rid of my second rooster because once he was mature, he became alpha (seemed to happen overnight) but not a 'nice' alpha like his father.
How much space do you have for them? And do you keep them all together? Free range? I think one rooster could cover 13 females. Mine does. Had to get rid of my second rooster because once he was mature, he became alpha (seemed to happen overnight) but not a 'nice' alpha like his father.

I have a total of 3 acres for them so I let them free range, and put them up at night. So I guess when I get the rest of the gent's flock I will give the other male away. But it should be fine having the male bantam around?

So anyone want an about a 10 week old Leghorn Cockerel?
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We brought him straight home out of cage in my car with the AC on and ice water and food. He was fine after we brought him home set him up under the carport in a play pen and within minutes he couldn't hold his head up and sounded like he was clicking when he took in a breath.
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Also to add I got a "hen" that crows.?! I'm thinking its a rooster at this point but I have no idea. I also don't remember what type of chicken it is...any help?
More pics that I need an ID on what kind. DH doesn't remember what they were either. Lol. I just see "pretty chicken" let's get it! :)

And this guy that doesn't crow

And this one who is insane

And my pretty little bantam girl

We have then all "quarantined" until we know they're not sick
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