North Carolina

Chicken poop makes my garden beautiful! And horse poop too. Well worth the work to compost for the garden.

I thought I'd share this story. Last week, I found one of my 3mo pullets hanging by her toe, stuck (I don't know how they manage to do these things). She wasn't able to walk and her leg appeared to be broken or dislocated, splayed to the side. After doing research, I decided to take a wait and see approach but when I went to separate her (for her own safety), I noticed her broodmates were alternating sitting with her and seemingly checking on her, so I left her in the coop. They stayed by her side, keeping her company, for days! It was a really neat thing to see. Amazingly, she is mostly healed walking again!
Hey guys, I am just wondering if anyone has or knows anyone who may have some of the following I need to rebuild my run for my girls. I am really looking for cheap to FREE as we just spent $$ on back to school for our 2 boys.

Supplies needed:

Cinder Blocks
Lumber( 2x4s or 4x4s)
Sand (course, river)

I have 5 bantam pullets, 2 of which have started laying. I am just looking for enough materials to make a 6x3x5 run. Thanks in advance for any help. Located in the Charlotte area.
Oh, also, I don't know if they're "cheap" or not, but you can also check Stallings Salvage. They're close to Monroe I think. I can't remember the name of the road they're on though. You have to really pick through a lot of what they have though or you'll find some warped stuff.
Hey guys, I am just wondering if anyone has or knows anyone who may have some of the following I need to rebuild my run for my girls. I am really looking for cheap to FREE as we just spent $$ on back to school for our 2 boys.

Supplies needed:

Cinder Blocks
Lumber( 2x4s or 4x4s)
Sand (course, river)

I have 5 bantam pullets, 2 of which have started laying. I am just looking for enough materials to make a 6x3x5 run. Thanks in advance for any help. Located in the Charlotte area.

I built a chicken tractor from 75% free materials I took (with permission) from housing construction toss bins. I've also built a coop that is entirely sided with wood taken from free pallets. Pretty sure anyone here with materials is using it for chicken math XD
Hello guys! Nothing here to do with chickens. But of course we all know by now I usually post if I have a problem. Well this cat has been hanging around my house since we moved in. Poor little guy acted like he was terrified of us so I started leaving a bowl of food out and shaking the bag so he would associate the 2. He lets us get closer to him everyday. But still runs off if we get too close. Well today (just now) I shook the bag and he came running from the woods because he knew he was going to get food. I sat beside his bowl as I always do and threw a little trail of food closer and closer to the bowl and me he got about 6 inches away and began to eat. Looked at me and "meowed" and I saw his left eye running like tears not mucous. Just a drop. And he'd eat a few bites and another year would drop. Appears to be just tears. Is there anything I can add to his food to try and help clear this up? His eyes aren't red and don't appear to be injured or irritated. Just a runny teary eye. I also have an inside cat and I am sure to always wash my hands after handling his bowl of food and water because in case if he does have something contagious I don't want to pass it to my kitty. What can I do? I obviously can't get my hands on him to take him to a vet and I don't want the little fella to starve or eat my chickens. He is so sweet. The other night hubby left his back glass open and the windows on truck down and kitty went in the truck for the night to sleep. I am sure he probably used to belong to someone.
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Hello guys! Nothing here to do with chickens. But of course we all know by now I usually post if I have a problem. Well this cat has been hanging around my house since we moved in. Poor little guy acted like he was terrified of us so I started leaving a bowl of food out and shaking the bag so he would associate the 2. He lets us get closer to him everyday. But still runs off if we get too close. Well today (just now) I shook the bag and he came running from the woods because he knew he was going to get food. I sat beside his bowl as I always do and threw a little trail of food closer and closer to the bowl and me he got about 6 inches away and began to eat. Looked at me and "meowed" and I saw his left eye running like tears not mucous. Just a drop. And he'd eat a few bites and another year would drop. Appears to be just tears. Is there anything I can add to his food to try and help clear this up? His eyes aren't red and don't appear to be injured or irritated. Just a runny teary eye. I also have an inside cat and I am sure to always wash my hands after handling his bowl of food and water because in case if he does have something contagious I don't want to pass it to my kitty. What can I do? I obviously can't get my hands on him to take him to a vet and I don't want the little fella to starve or eat my chickens. He is so sweet. The other night hubby left his back glass open and the windows on truck down and kitty went in the truck for the night to sleep. I am sure he probably used to belong to someone.

Whenever my cats have watery discharge, it is usually the beginning of an upper respiratory infection, which is common in cats, especially if they're outside. I think it's usually easily treatable with antibiotics if caught early.

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