North Carolina

I have been giving him (the cat) tetracycline every few days in a little milk and water. I have looked everywhere online and it doesn't say anything about his eyes being any sign of rabies or anything like that. But I still worry about when he bit me 2 weeks ago. He still seems to be well tempered still a little skiddish but he sleeps in a carrier on the porch, comes running when I call him, and still has a good appetite and I haven't seen any bites or scratches on him. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks ago that this occurred. Wouldn't he be showing signs by now if he had rabies? There is no "foaming" at his mouth or disorientation and he's not acting mean or sweet. Just the same as he was when we first started feeding him. If he hangs around much longer I will probably have no choice but to catch him in a live trap and take him to the vet.

Definitely catch him and at least get him a rabies vaccine. Around here, rabies vaccines cost about $7 at the vet or you can get them done for $5 at animal control. It is definitely worth the money for his health and your peace of mind if anyone is bitten or scratches again.
I am hoping he will stick around long enough for me to catch him. I'm sure he will never trust me again after but at least he won't die from rabies if I get him a shot. Came home from work and he's not here but he will be. Lol. He knows I put out extra treats for him late at night after dinner when I clean out the fridge to make room for any leftovers. Our fridge is tiny. Lol. On another note...was cooking dinner and went to take out garbage...fricken roach in my trash can...inside. Now what can I do about that??? One might not be a big deal but it's about to start getting cold and I'm sure they are looking somewhere warm and food and whatever but I don't want this to become a problem! Any ideas on this pest control? Fogger? Home defense? I really don't want to use any chemicals right now since I have this hacking cough and cold. Any natural ideas? We just fogged for centipedes 3 months ago And for what I thought was bed bugs (but weren't) but I really HATE bugs.
Hello! I'm in Raleigh off Rt 42...
new flocker
Welcome to all the new folks!

On the subject of broodies...I had far more last year than this year. I have one who has been broody more than not since last Christmas (!) so I finally gave her eggs to hatch. She is due next weekend.

The cat does not sound like rabies at all. It does sound viral, in which case tetracycline will not help. Might be as simple as conjunctivitis, or something more serious such as feline herpes. If at all possible, get it checked while getting the rabies shot.

For roaches, try Boric Acid powder. Most groceries carry it. Walmart does. I get an infant bulb syringe to suck it up and puff it under appliances. It would take a lot of it to have any effect at all on pets or children, so it's pretty safe. We used it when we lived in Central America, and kept the place free of roaches...and there, that is a huge feat!

Been working a lot, with carrying an overload plus doing some pickup for a colleague who has been out a lot due to his wife being ill. Busy, busy, busy. But, keeping up, so that is a good thing!

Had a batch of quail hatch over the weekend, and a bunch of the stupid things drowned in their waterer...a quail waterer, no less. They have to make an effort in an eight-foot brooder, to drown themselves in that thing. Ugh.

Off to class...have a good day!!
Roosters are doing much better. Thankfully. Now if I could just figure out what to do with this cat and his eyes. He has good days and bad. The other day his little eyes were so swollen and mucousy he could barely hold them open to see his food bowl. If he wasn't still a little on the wild side I would take him to the vet but I'm a little afraid to attempt to pick him up since the bite he gave me almost 2 weeks ago. His eyes were starting to run again today. Anybody know what I can give him in his food or water for this?
sounds like he has an upper respiratory infection. that's how they lose their eyes. I wouldn't worry about the bite, i work at a cat shelter and most of the staff gets bitten by accident every now and then. We wash it out with soap and water then apply betadine. cats like all mammals have nasty bacteria in their mouth.
sounds like he has an upper respiratory infection. that's how they lose their eyes. I wouldn't worry about the bite, i work at a cat shelter and most of the staff gets bitten by accident every now and then. We wash it out with soap and water then apply betadine. cats like all mammals have nasty bacteria in their mouth. 

What can I give him in the meantime for that? I am still a little frightened to handle him much since the bite. I know tractor supply has a lot of antibiotics for animals so what exactly would I use? I just been dosing him with tetra like I would the chickens. Haha. Obviously he isn't a chicken but you get my drift.

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