North Carolina

Hi, and welcome to the new flockers!

Last year, I had not a single hen go broody, not even my bantam, that will usually go broody if you look at her funny. This year, I swear, they all drank "broody kool-aid"! Craziness!

We rent an old house and tend to get a few roaches in the winter. I read that they love rotting wood, it's their favorite food, and since the landlord refuses to keep this place from falling apart around us, the basement is one huge, moldy, rotten wood buffet for roaches! :( I keep them out of the rest of the house for the most part by keeping a line of Diatomaceous Earth all around the walls, and a sprinkle of it under all furniture, but this year, I may try the Boric acid (maybe mix it with the DE), unless we move to a new house...which we're looking for one. I've spent the last two days cleaning, organizing, and tossing every thing in the house, since we finally got the landlord to agree to come out to the house to look at all the mold that's growing everywhere, and I'm one of those people that clean like crazy whenever anyone comes over, even if they'll only be here for 30 mins. We've been trying to get them out here to treat the mold for two years now, and finally told them that, along with the letter we sent to them, stating everything they've neglected to fix/repair in the house the last two years, we sent a copy to the owner. That got them to call us and let us know they plan on setting up a time to come out and see what's going on!

Hollowoak, sorry about the quail! Are they hard to brood? I've been thinking about trying my hand at raising a few, just for fun (won't happen till we move though), but know absolutely nothing about them.

I hope everyone has a great evening! I'm exhausted! Good night!
I didn't go get one. I do think I will go to the health department tomorrow. It's completely healed up and I'm afraid they will either A think I'm crazy or B report it and have animal control trap and kill the cat. :( I just don't want to die. Incubation period is 3 weeks for rabies in humans and it's been 2 weeks and 3 days. I can't stop thinking about it. I literally started crying about it!
From the time an animal starts shedding the virus until it dies is usually just a few days, with a week being upper end. They lock them up for a couple weeks to make sure, but if that cat had rabies when it bit you, it would be very dead now.

We get the Carolina Country mag that Lumbee River EMC puts out. This month there is a lovely article about Avian Influenza. Normally I don't read it, but hubby found the article and left it for me. It's just one page, so if you get the mag, you can read it. They also say they have a video at their website,, but I have not watched that yet.
I guess I am just worrying myself sick over this. Everyone thinks I am nuts. And I know it sounds nuts. As I have obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety disorder with panic attacks and I have not been on medicine in about 2 years and I haven't really had any bad "episodes" until now. I am torn because I literally do not have the money to go to the hospital. Or the doctor. And payday isn't until Wednesday. And Thursday will be 3 weeks which is when the rabies virus starts showing symptoms in humans. I have googled so much I think it's done more harm than good.
Why did the cat bite you? As long as the cat acts normal, I wouldn't worry about it... Did you provoke the cat in some way, including by petting too much and overstimulating it? If so, it's normal, though unwelcome behavior. If the cat came up and randomly attacked you, then I would be more concerned. Though as others have pointed out, if the cat is still alive and acting healthy, it is very unlikely to be rabid.
Gosh and I thought a pregnancy scare was bad. Hope things have worked themselves out @sbrooks88

Who asked about broody hens? Yes, I've had way more this year than ever before. Still have one, hopefully she's the last. Was there something in the air?

I have an odd question, could losing spurs cause a rooster to lose Mine lost one whole a year ago and then another whole a month ago (neither are growing back) and ever since he has been acting weird...going to bed before any of the hens, not letting them eat first in his usually gentlemanly way...I haven't seen him mount any hens but I'm also not watching regularly. I've sold the majority of the eggs I've had lately so I don't have an accurate feel of how many are/aren't fertilized but I've noticed several that aren't. Not sure what else could be going on with him.

I sold about 20 pullets/cockerels about a month ago now and that made such a huge impact on the chicken insanity at my house. One more round of downsizing to go and then maybe things will be back to normal. I did discover that one of the Polish chicks I got this year is a rooster BOOO. I was really hoping it was a hen. My son is attached to him too, so I guess I'll keep him. Especially if Uncle Clucker has, indeed, lost his mojo.
Why did the cat bite you? As long as the cat acts normal, I wouldn't worry about it... Did you provoke the cat in some way, including by petting too much and overstimulating it? If so, it's normal, though unwelcome behavior. If the cat came up and randomly attacked you, then I would be more concerned. Though as others have pointed out, if the cat is still alive and acting healthy, it is very unlikely to be rabid.

I was petting him and he just "grabbed" my hand hand with his mouth. Naturally I yanked my arm away and his tooth cut into my skin. Other than that he seems perfectly normal. Although his meow sounds a little hoarse now for some reason. I can only assume because he has been out in the rain for days.

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