North Carolina

Hey semper, who did you get your Mille fleurs from?
-applause for another person going through what I'm going through with the kids- I'm homeschooling too and having fun with that. Hatching eggs for school...nothing better. :)

Thank you. It's hard work, but worth it. Is it wrong that I daydream sometimes what life would be like if we didn't have twins? Lol.

My Mille Fleur I got from MyPetChicken. End of June is when the bunch hatched.
I have 2 free sizzle roo chicks that are 3 weeks old. If anyone wants them theyre free for grabs.

So stressed out because all 6 chicks that my hen hatched are roos! Ive hatched 25 roosters this year and 3 hens. Anyone know how to fix this? LOL
But You have energy to burn,
Me, I'm tired from just 1 grandson let alone 2 Granddaughters.
Go getem, have fun!
You guys are making me remember when mine were little. My son turns 30 today! My daughter turns 33 later this month! And I'll be 57 soon enough. My daughter finally provided me with a grandson last year but they live in DC so I rarely get to see him. :( Still, he's adorable. :)

Had my quarterly AI testing this morning. My tester, Lisa, is a morning person like me so she'll come at 7:00 am. For me that gets it out of the way, and we're catching chickens still on the perch in the dawn light so it's easier. Also, it means that I am her first stop of the day which reduces the chance of cross contamination. For her, it means she can hopefully get finished earlier in the day and have a couple hours to run personal errands or just chill.

Have had no hawk losses since the cornfields were cut and the hawks could hunt again. Not a single chicken gone now, out of ...hmmmmm.... maybe 150-175??? I'll count them one day. Maybe.

Speaking of which, I let one of my broodies, who has been consistently broody since last xmas, hatch some eggs for me. I have broken this hen several times over the summer and she's gone back to being broody within a couple weeks. She's very thin from this, so I figured if I let her hatch, she'd finally put some weight back on. She's got six Welsummer chicks for me. There were seven, but one got stuck in the fence and died. :( I moved them as soon as that happened, into a safer area. If she mothers them well, I'll just start letting her hatch when she goes broody. I've another broody that has been stubborn, too. I think I'll give her some eggs this weekend and see how she does. Why not?
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But You have energy to burn, :bow Me, I'm tired from just 1 grandson let alone 2 Granddaughters.
Go getem, have fun!

Well I swear I feel 50 years old sometimes with how beat up my body is from service. Lol! I think the other thing that really drains me is I'm still dealing with my sleep apnea that I was diagnosed with several years ago. I hate being 28 years old and having, what I feel like, so many health issues. I'm sure some of you vets here can relate. It is what it is and I just try and carry on one day at a time.
Thank you. It's hard work, but worth it. Is it wrong that I daydream sometimes what life would be like if we didn't have twins? Lol.

My Mille Fleur I got from MyPetChicken. End of June is when the bunch hatched.

I think having twins is harder than me dealing with my two and honestly the whole "2 of everything" is exhausting. I am in a better place now that my kids are 6 and 4. I get to shower no matter if someone else is home or not, they sleep better now and they have very intelligent and funny conversations with me. I have enjoyed each age but now I am no longer sleep deprived. I went 4 years running on no sleep and then they turned a corner. They outgrew naps which is a bummer but they sleep Good at night.

Last night was the first time I could mow in weeks because of this, I'm mowing and wondering how many more minutes of daylight I have left before I have to stop and put up the chickens for the night when I notice my 6 year old in the marans pen picking them up and setting them in the coop. I made such a big deal out of her helping too. It was awesome!!! We finished the rest together.
Those moments are the ones where you see why you do what you do. I will say my husband says he'd rather be getting shot at again instead of doing my job with the kids. LOL we are suited to two very different tasks.

Well I swear I feel 50 years old sometimes with how beat up my body is from service. Lol! I think the other thing that really drains me is I'm still dealing with my sleep apnea that I was diagnosed with several years ago. I hate being 28 years old and having, what I feel like, so many health issues. I'm sure some of you vets here can relate. It is what it is and I just try and carry on one day at a time.[/quote
My husband is 30 and still in. He's been in 8 years and he's got bone spurs in his hips, frayed labrum, bone chips in his elbows, his ankles are shot...he is a mess too. Its what the marine corps does to your body. You are not alone.

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