North Carolina

WOW glad to see I'm not the only parent late in life I have a 10yo and a 23month old and they run me ragged at 50 !!!!!!

I always say there is a trade off in having early or late in life. Early you have the energy, but not the experience, wisdom, or patience. Late it's vice versa. Also when you have children late in life, your "contemporaries" in term of school stuff etc changes. I grew up with my cousin who is 2 years older as my best friend, My daughters best friends are her 2 grandsons, one a year older one 2 years younger. Funny I remind their Mom quite often that I changed her diapers lol. Oh and OMGoodness, a 23 month old at 50, that'll keep you running!
Taking care of children is a wonderful full time of life, and yes they run you ragged. I am almost 70. I miss having my children close around me but they have full lives of their own in different states mostly. I know I must have done something right. They are good self sufficient people. Ones a Lt. Chornel( a word I never can remember to spell right) retired from the air force, one a computer engineer and one a teacher. But I still miss my little children. I remember moments where they looked up at me with million watt smiles and moments of tears. I sometimes feel lost without them. It was so quick in flooding by. Enjoy and try to remember all the good times and sad because they will pass way too soon.
I do so hope that was a typo!

Bad phrasing before I had my coffee
lol. Her ( my Katie's) best friends, are my Cousins grandsons lol. We all live close by on what used to be my Grandparent's farm. We call it the family commune lol
I always say there is a trade off in having early or late in life. Early you have the energy, but not the experience, wisdom, or patience. Late it's vice versa. Also when you have children late in life, your "contemporaries" in term of school stuff etc changes. I grew up with my cousin who is 2 years older as my best friend, My daughters best friends are her 2 grandsons, one a year older one 2 years younger. Funny I remind their Mom quite often that I changed her diapers lol. Oh and OMGoodness, a 23 month old at 50, that'll keep you running!

So true... Gosh I feel like a horrible parent sometimes to my 10 year old step son, and partly because he has ADHD. I lose my temper way too often... And I had always told myself I wasn't going to be harsh like my parents. So much for that! =(
So true... Gosh I feel like a horrible parent sometimes to my 10 year old step son, and partly because he has ADHD. I lose my temper way too often... And I had always told myself I wasn't going to be harsh like my parents. So much for that! =(
I think we all have those "bad parent" moments. I know my personality is more like my Dad's than my Mom's which means I yell WAY more than my mom. So what you can do is change how you handle it when you do lose it. It can be a good thing for children to see that their parents make mistakes and know how to admit and apologize for it. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Yes she keeps me running but I would not trade it for the world !!!!
I always say there is a trade off in having early or late in life. Early you have the energy, but not the experience, wisdom, or patience. Late it's vice versa. Also when you have children late in life, your "contemporaries" in term of school stuff etc changes. I grew up with my cousin who is 2 years older as my best friend, My daughters best friends are her 2 grandsons, one a year older one 2 years younger. Funny I remind their Mom quite often that I changed her diapers lol. Oh and OMGoodness, a 23 month old at 50, that'll keep you running!
My son loved his 30th birthday present! He wasn't able to go to his sister's 30th, so didn't know what I did for her. It was nice to have it be a surprise! 30 x 30 day! 30 colorful bags with 30 items in each bag. 30 lollipops...because 30 sucks! 30 rocks...because (duh!) 30 Rocks!

The rest are either for fun, or to go with his hobbies. So, 30 rounds for each of his guns, 30 each pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, and ones. 30 pens. 30 garbage bags, because they came ina pack of 30! 30 hooks, 30 lures, 30 jigs, 30 of all sorts of fishing stuff. 30 Hershey Kisses!

All packed into a sports duffle. And the very last thing to open...30 $10 bills.

He had a good time opening it! And I also didn't get to go to Amy's 30th, as I had just had surgery. Hubby went and took hers. But I was pleased I got to watch Joe open his.

Then I got to babysit his dog while he celebrated with friends.
My son loved his 30th birthday present! He wasn't able to go to his sister's 30th, so didn't know what I did for her. It was nice to have it be a surprise! 30 x 30 day! 30 colorful bags with 30 items in each bag. 30 lollipops...because 30 sucks! 30 rocks...because (duh!) 30 Rocks!

The rest are either for fun, or to go with his hobbies. So, 30 rounds for each of his guns, 30 each pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, and ones. 30 pens. 30 garbage bags, because they came ina pack of 30! 30 hooks, 30 lures, 30 jigs, 30 of all sorts of fishing stuff. 30 Hershey Kisses!

All packed into a sports duffle. And the very last thing to open...30 $10 bills.

He had a good time opening it! And I also didn't get to go to Amy's 30th, as I had just had surgery. Hubby went and took hers. But I was pleased I got to watch Joe open his.

Then I got to babysit his dog while he celebrated with friends.

That is AWESOME............

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