North Carolina

I lost my khaki Campbell Drake the other day, if anyone has an extra please let me know.

It was my fault. I had a duck who had a bad leg, and she was so miserable when I had her caged I figured there was no harm in leaving her out. I am guessing that something came and he tried to protect her.
Thank you! I checked out the site - looks like it would be heaven for a rooster. I'm not sure they'd appreciate that we're meat eaters, though!
I keep going back and forth with this silly roo. Some people think you can train them, others say its hopeless and not to ever let your kids near them. My son is 7, so I'm not as worried as I'd be if he were a toddler. Right now, he only goes in with the roo if I'm in there to manage any craziness. DH thinks it's actually a good thing to teach our son to handle an ornery roo. He's only a bird, after all. My son says he likes Peep, but he also says he would rather eat him than keep him. LOL

If we do end up keeping him and not eating him, I'll have to come up with a way for them to be fed, watered, and eggs collected from the outside since we occasionally do have to go out of town. When I think of what we would have to go through to keep him, I wonder what in the world I'm thinking. There are plenty of docile roos out there that could use a home… sigh...
I don't think they would punish the roo because you eat meat lol, It would just reinforce that they "rescued" him. I know I was attacked by a rooster when I was an adult and it terrified me. One of the reasons I don't want to deal with one lol. What about getting a small tractor just for him with external feeding and watering, kind of a "time out" coop. He can stay there while you are out of town and whoever is caring for your flock can just not have to deal with him personally, just top off his feeder and waterer etc.
Hey guys! Quick question... The 2 black australorp pullets I got over the summer are now approximately 6 months old. Should I expect some eggs from them by the end of the year, or will they probably not start laying til spring? Thanks!


Georgette says, "Excuse me!?!"

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Hey guys! Quick question... The 2 black australorp pullets I got over the summer are now approximately 6 months old. Should I expect some eggs from them by the end of the year, or will they probably not start laying til spring? Thanks!

Georgette says, "Excuse me!?!"


From the looks of that head, I would say any day now.

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