North Carolina

I am so sorry!  I feel for you!  After the last predator attack, I made a resolution to give the remaining ones as good a life as possible and make sure that if any more die it will NOT be my fault.  I kinda held myself responsible for the first time.

This was the boldest snatch-n-grab I've heard about. There's always the risk, of course. Some things you can't actually prevent unless you hover 100% of the time with a shot gun. Other things {like chicken wire instead of hardware cloth} you can.
This was the boldest snatch-n-grab I've heard about. There's always the risk, of course. Some things you can't actually prevent unless you hover 100% of the time with a shot gun. Other things {like chicken wire instead of hardware cloth} you can.
Yeah, I can not exactly hover over my chickens 24/7 with a shot gun, but I have moved them to a safer coop.
All of these predator attacks are so sad! I can't imagine
I don't even have my chicks yet and I'm already attached.
I was devastated. It is sad. But it is the circle of life, and I got over it.

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