North Carolina

Here's a pic!!

I wrote a note separate from the pic - but it doesn't seem to have posted. 2 Rouen, 1 Pekin that are about 2 months and 2 Cayuga's about 6 weeks :) We're building their outdoor house but has to be fully enclosed - too many predators in the area. Right now they're happy inside and get a shower/bath everyday. And treats like grass soup, green beans, watermelon, etc. They're fun but some work. They will sit with us (one at a time) we try about 5 minutes each sitting on our laps, they calm down after a minute but never seem to be completely settled - we are trying to get them friendlier (tamer?) you could say?

We've Had them since they were a couple days old but they squak and put up a huge fuss when we try and take them out of their "bed" to go to the bath. We usually let them walk but they have to be herded lol - they haven't seemed to learn the way to the tub (straight shot about 15 feet then a right turn into the bath). They don't seem to like to be handled, or picked up, they even get fussy if we get close to there "bed", but we've read they get tamer as they get older. To me they just seem annoyed when we get close unless we have food lol. Do you know if they get tamer? It doesn't seem to be happening haha.

It's nice to be a part of this community and nice to meet you! "We" are myself (Sonya) and my husband Nigel.
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Hi!! Asheville here! New to ducks and to byc!!
Burnsville just up the mountain from Asheville. Welcome to BYC @wncmtns

I wrote a note separate from the pic - but it doesn't seem to have posted. 2 Rouen, 1 Pekin that are about 2 months and 2 Cayuga's about 6 weeks
We're building their outdoor house but has to be fully enclosed - too many predators in the area. Right now they're happy inside and get a shower/bath everyday. And treats like grass soup, green beans, watermelon, etc. They're fun but some work. They will sit with us (one at a time) we try about 5 minutes each sitting on our laps, they calm down after a minute but never seem to be completely settled - we are trying to get them friendlier (tamer?) you could say?

We've Had them since they were a couple days old but they squak and put up a huge fuss when we try and take them out of their "bed" to go to the bath. We usually let them walk but they have to be herded lol - they haven't seemed to learn the way to the tub (straight shot about 15 feet then a right turn into the bath). They don't seem to like to be handled, or picked up, they even get fussy if we get close to there "bed", but we've read they get tamer as they get older. To me they just seem annoyed when we get close unless we have food lol. Do you know if they get tamer? It doesn't seem to be happening haha.

It's nice to be a part of this community and nice to meet you! "We" are myself (Sonya) and my husband Nigel.
Adorable ducklings .

Most all ducks don't like to be picked up unless it's an only duckling then they will usually bond with their human if they spend alot of time with them. I have 13 ducks and just about all will come and eat out of my hand but only one doesn't mind being picked up and snuggled and he is my Muscovy drake who was raised by my dh and I because his mom rejected him. So those of us who have ducks just enjoy them just the way they like it not the way we'd like it. They are a joy to have around.They do love to eat so that is always an incentive to get them to at least hang around with you and eat from your hand. Mine love to go worm hunting too just be careful with the shovel they like to get right in the hole where your digging. lol
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