North Carolina

Sorry you guys are sick Gavin! I have been outside all day watching kids and cleaning up the yard.

What a nice day it was to relax outside and watch my creatures.
Well it turned out to be nice day after midmorning little drizzle early
Gavin glad yall are feeling better lot of sickness in this area right now.
looks like early spring but not march yet

Its somewhat warmer here than high country
I think after we get all our ducklings and such ordered and our new duck coop built we'll go for NPIP too. I really have to get rid of the wild free ranging chickens around here though. I may catch them and take them to the show to sell. Anyone interested in some Games?
Nope~~thank sickness here, just reveling in the wonderful weather

I'll pull the phone number for NPIP Gavin, I know I have it around here somewhere. You just phone them, and set up an appt. On your appt day, you just have to have all your birds "caged", so they can be gotten to easily. You'll fill out some paperwork; they'll get a drop of blood and a mouth swab from each bird, apply a leg band, and you're done. The hard part is waiting for them to send your paperwork in the mail. I worried the whole time that some exotic illness had infected my birds
but of course, they all tested clean. Have to renew your NPIP every year.
See, it'd mess my certification up if I had wild chickens roaming through my yard wouldn't it? I have to get rid of those dang things. I know they've come from the guy up the road, but he's not interested in getting them back. If any of you guys want them, I'll give them to you.
I have some game and they are really nice birds, hardy as can be, thats how we got started in all of this, adopted a dumped out game hen and her 10 chicks. she was a great momma. she's a little flighty but really a nice bird.. She looks like the wild chickens in Key West.. If I wasn't chicken poor and had more room to grow I' wouldn't mind having them.. Gotta save room for my new little bundles when I get them
I tell you what if you live in the woods and want a bird that can survive it then games are the way to go.
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Gavin, your area has to have a local Ag Extension Office, call them and see if they know that State Poultry Inspector for your area. All you do is call your inspector, they will come out and test any birds over 16 weeks of age for Typhoid and AI and then tag them. The cost is only $5.00. You will fill out some paperwork with the Inspector and they will send it up to state for you. They will also leave you a little card with your tag numbers on it. In a few weeks you will get some confirming paperwork back that all is clear. You then test once a year to keep your cert up to date. That simple!

Sorry you and Allison have been ill, me too, I think we must have all caught it at the show.

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