North Carolina

I am in Corapeake, NC. Very Northeastern part of the state. Was hoping there might be someone here that had some female Australorp chicks. Can't seem to find them with in 2-3hr drive.
I'm working on a new chat code, trying to get a better format up. Once/IF I can get it to work, it should work for everyone as long as you have JAVA enabled. Everyone wish me luck, and I do hope you all use it from time to time being as I am working so hard at it.
I'm just outside of Stanley LOL I'm on the north side.

The closest I've seen on here is Iron Station, never spoke to them tho
I Just got a trio of cochin bantams yesterday at the show.
I haven't had any chickens since october.

I just looked at radar looks like rain for little while this morn,

It may b gone when some of the mountain folks get up tho
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She was a big girl and was already 8 pounds and still growing. I can have ducks when they are outside but when they are inside it's a whole different story I have come to find out. Thats why I was thinking of letting them take a little vacation

Allabout...I am curious, how do you know your allergic? What are the sytoms? Wonder why so many people are allergic to ducks??? Is it the dander??

Wish I was closer.
Just had to share with you all the WONDERFUL news... Found someone who is willing to sell us some Orps!!
Messaged my husband right away and told him as soon as he gets home from his business trip, he's completing that coop!!
If only he hadn't taken the roof off (it's just sitting up there, not attached) I would SO be out there doing demo!! My day is officially MADE
Now to find a few Australorps, Cochins, Wyandotte and maybe even a Jersey Giant....then my coop would be complete!!
Yep...I am elated and knew you all would understand as well!!

Any idea where to go to find some good, inexpensive lumber?? Hoping if I have it all bought and stacked up out by the house (covered with a tarp of course) it will be more of an incentive!!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!
I live in Wilmington NC and wanted to know where to buy feed. We are just about to get our first 4 hens and i need to know where to buy laying mash... HUMM...
Good Morning Neighbors
Anyone else have to put on their rainboots this morning to feed the chickens? I hate to complain about the rain, since we could be experiencing drought......but we've had enough for now...

Welcome arlew & Tbird
I actually know where Corapeake is!! of course, I grew up in VaBch so that

HT & Bhep~~new baby pics?? and where is our dear Miss Lydia this morning??

Looks as though everyone is sleeping in.

abChicken~~sorry I missed you again at the show.....I arrived late, and everyone told me you had already left I didn't even get to see Cheyennes birds in the show

Sassy72~~you know we're going to want baby pics from Smokey & Luna's new union

You'll have a good one & stay dry

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