North Carolina

Hey daddys Chickens, we have missed you, glad your back. It's true about putting something alcoholic into some mash and putting it out for her only then when she has had her fill you can probably just walk up and pick her up. I saw it in Country Side mag. maybe a little fruit wine? any way glad to hear she didn't get eaten. she must be pretty smart. Hope you can get her back with the flock.
I would like to recommend a net. The butterfly nets from Dollar Tree work great to put the Fear of Mom in my birds. "Run! Or Mom will smack you with that net!!!"

A crab net or fishing net with a long handle will work and probably hold up longer.

If the hen is your most skiddish, well, I wish you lots of luck catching her. How well can you throw a cast net at her? I'm joking, but it could work!
Good morning everyone!! I hope and trust we all are doing well!!

Daddy - I wish I could offer up suggestions, but our Houdini escaped and was trying to figure out how to get back IN, so we didn't have that problem. Just held open the door and in she ran. Sorry.
Praying you are able to get her in safe and secured!! is THE day. Today DD and I drive to pick up more chickens!! We are excited (well she's sleeping, but that translates to she's stocking up her energy for this afternoon!!)
The barn is ready, we have a spot sectioned off for them and even set up a rotation schedule to let them out in the pen while the others are inside...DH actually suggested since they are free ranged to let them free range. I want them to get established first!! haha. I must win them over with...TREATS!! Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to double check and recheck everything!!
Goodmorning everyone!

A wicked storm blew through yesterday. Blew our trampoline across the bean field over a fence and into a neighbors driveway, scattering peices everywhere. The trampoline is no more. It had to blow 1000-2000 feet away.
Lots of tree limbs and junk all over to clean up.

My internet is now completely out. Repair is scheduled for Tues.
I will go crazy untill them. I will be checking in when I can.

One more chick hatched yesterday, so 17/20 fridge eggs.

And 1 more duckling.. now duckling #1 has a friend.

Next batch due youngest DD b-day.

Then Tues. my DS b-day

daddys...I vote the net ....good luck

Have a great weekend everyone
I thought about the net but I don't have a B2 bomber to drop it on her without her seeing me. I went out and bought a critter catcher like you use for raccoons and Put some scratch around and meal worms inside. We will see. I'll probably just catch squirel.
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Do you know where she roosts at night? The best thing to do is wait till she is roosting for the night and then go get her. Chickens do not tend to move at night making them easy prey. It will also be allot less stressful for her with no chasing and grabbing.
Do you know where she roosts at night? The best thing to do is wait till she is roosting for the night and then go get her. Chickens do not tend to move at night making them easy prey. It will also be allot less stressful for her with no chasing and grabbing.

Thanks every one, I am really happy with the coop. There are still some thinks that need done, but we are almost there. Does anyone see anything that we need to change? Next we are going to be building a run
That is why we have the roof extending out so they can be outside in the rain and not get wet, at least that's the plan
We have been busy getting little odds and ends done around the house. We will be putting it on the market next month, we will see how that goes, lol Nothing is moving around here so we aren't planning on anything to really happen. My mom just decided that we are going down size our animals so it's less stress to help with my migraines
We are starting with our rabbits, so I thought I would ask if anyone wants a English Angora. He doesn't look the best right now, as we started cutting the mats out in his hair. He is really sweet tho

DaddysChickens I am in the same boat. My pullet has decided that she hates me, wont let me catch her, and has taken to the woods
I tried the net but it just made her more scared. I really hope you can catch your girl soon

BHep Wow
sounds like a bad storm! It is crazy the amount of storm that have been going on lately. Congrats on the chicks
Good Evening Everyone. DD and I spent the day
picking up some new hens. I have 4 female marans that need some names!! One is white, one is blue and I think the other two are copper.
I'm not sure and I was told...but I forgot. We already had ONE incident...two of the new girls jumped their pen and were chased and pecked at by my alpha female.
I did enjoy watching the boys strut and "talk" to the new girls.
Jeremy was VERY interested in the girls....then again he is the alpha!!
Okay...well I hope you all have a great evening!!

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