North Carolina

Sorry I missed everyone...
If it makes everyone feel's what we did.

a friend and me went this was my first show i really enjoyed seeing so many quality birds. i bought 3 oegb 2 birchen hens and a silver duckwing roo
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Great job everybody!
Hope you're all enjoying your new birds!!! I am super jealous and do hope to go and meet you all one day!

I was having Halloween fun with my little guys just like you, Em! I had a little tiger and lion and they were adorable!
You're little froggy is too, Em!!!

I've got my ceramic heat emitter cranked up in the coop tonight. I know they don't need it but there is a freeze warning and I was going to have to bust it out once my little silkies hatch anyway, right!? Now hopefully they'll be a little warmer!

Thanks for the encouragement, Bhep - 2 firsts in 1 day had me stressed! I'm sure they'll get it together. Good news though - I'm pretty sure 1 of the eggs today was from my sweet Cochin, Rosalie from greeneacres!!!

Good night everyone!!!
A very good but chilly morning to everyone!

So, been out to check on all the new arrivals! All are fine this frosty morning. The Brahama's took a look at the Buff and ran away telling stories to the others.... Partridge pair seem very happy together.........

Today I plan to move out my older Silkie chicks. The 8 are feathered enough and big enough to be able to enjoy the outside now I think..... (less dust)........ I may consider putting them in with the Partridge or just the run with the family Silkies... Decisions, decisions.......

Hope you all have a great day!
Glad everyone had fun at Morgaton, sorry I couldn't go.

What is everyone gonna be on Monday for holloween? Everyone be safe and have a great night on Monday. I might not be able to get on before than. The computer is DOA till my dad can hopefully ICU it back to life
You guys must have had an AWESOME time! So sorry I couldn't make it to meet everyone... someday!

Starting next weekend, I'll have my Saturdays back again. I'm so happy to say I'll have a whole weekend with the family AND to get ahead on boring chores.

Speaking of which, I have more cleaning up to do after I print my grocery list. BORING!

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