North Carolina

good morning everybody.

hope it was a great day!

SCM & Ruthann- hope ya'll get some sleep soon, hope the little one is ok.

G&A- good luck hope the molt doesn't last too long.

Vfem- how is your DH's job search going
good I hope?

Beth- I am so jealous, I wish I had a way to make chicken condos! Hope you don't have to part with too many.

O, Ruthann I found a 31lbs turkey at my butcher shop
I had know idea they were that huge.

Ok so my big girls turn 15 weeks this week
BUT they are still only about 2lbs and the roo is about 4lbs, and everything I've read about orpingtons says they usually are full grown by 16 weeks, right? Is it possible the hatchery sent me bantams by mistake,? Or do they really grow that much?
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Your closer to my neck of the woods! Welcome! Yep aren't they funny when they hit that stage and they are chest bumping, and chasing each other, and getting everything figured out? Just like teenage humans. They will settle it out, just make sure they aren't ganging up to bad on 1 particular one, as in pulling a bunch of feathers or injuring it.

Welcome to BYC, and by no means are you interupting us, this is a thread for all NC'ers to talk and enjoy, ask questions, etc.
Good morning all!

I LOVE getting up to a clean house, even though my hips and knees are killing me. I hate scrubbing floors by hand, and floor boards too. Luckily, after I spent all that time washing the floor boards, only to realize they still looked BAD, hubby busted out a paint brush and touched a few of them up so they look newly painted. It was getting late, so he only did the stairs and upstairs hall, but that was HUGE! He's such a sweety.

We didn't hear anything back about either job Friday like we hoped. He's still holding out hope though, and isn't quitting on the positive mood. Though I can tell he's getting nervous.
But I have more apps to fill out tonight and get back out there on Monday... so good things will come... good things!
A good Sunday everyone!!

Ruthann - belated Happy birthday......... Yes you may brag that your hensare still laying, we went from 6 or 7 a day down to 1 then none within a week..... So, get ready for egg withdrawl........

We also placed out our 3 blue splash silkies yesterday..... they had their first night in Chez Henry. no problems, only 1 of them that I had to put to bed..... All came rushing out this morning though......

the Brahma's are llittle eating machines, infact spend more time eating than the others do....

all the birds love the pumpkin's we broke up for them.........

A week to the Winston show, hope to return home with at least 10 less Silkie chicks........ Hope I can find a partridge pullet or hen to go in with Sandy and Tommy....
Just HAD to comment on that last part...seems so funny to see our names as chickens
you KNOW I consider it a compliment though. If you can't find another girl, I'm sure I'll have some for you in the Spring. Hopefully, I'll start incubating again the 1st of December~~gotta hatch out lots of fuzzy butts for the next Chicken Swap in Hickory
Just HAD to comment on that last part...seems so funny to see our names as chickens
you KNOW I consider it a compliment though. If you can't find another girl, I'm sure I'll have some for you in the Spring. Hopefully, I'll start incubating again the 1st of December~~gotta hatch out lots of fuzzy butts for the next Chicken Swap in Hickory

Sandy, am so pleased you take it as a big compliment, as it's all down to you that we started with Silkies.... remember...... If necessary I can wait... also, am pm'ing you......
Why did it have to be so nice out today? I have been stuck @ work since 7 this morning...hopefully tomorrow will be just as nice and I can spend some quality time with my babies, as I have been working way too much! I will certainl nbe busy washing 9 chickens on friday to get ready for winston.

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