North Carolina

NH- I believe you have a broody girl!
I am now the proud mom to two 3 week old nubian/alpine baby goats!


Awww...they are adorable!
Gorgeous day today!

A new freezer is at the house getting cold so I can transfer my foooooooood! They've gotten much more expensive since the last one we bought, but the one that's dying is over 15 years old, so it's done its duty. Hubby wants to try it out in his shop holding bags of ice for the occasional party. Whatever.

The BOX, however, is perfect for brooding chicks!

I'm so intrigued by my oddly colored chicks that I'm having to study up on chicken genetics. Look out...I could be dangerous with a small amount of information! This is my first batch of anything other than Buffs. We've had just Buffs for years and I just added the colored birds last summer/fall. I'm about to jump in with both feet and see what I can do.
So DH has been thinking about building an incubator and a bigger brooder box. Today I have been looking at the homamade incubators on BYC and the brooders too. I found 2 incubator ideas that would work with what DH has on hand to use. While looking at the brooders people have made it suddenly struck me that we have a gigantic wooden toybox that we are not using right now. It used to be in the house but it took up a lot of space and the younger kids couldn't get toys out of it because it was so deep. So I called DH to tell him about my idea to convert the toy box to a brooder. He liked the idea so Wednesday when he is off he is going to look at it and figure out how to make a lid for it and turn it into a brooder. It would be big enough for the 10 chicks we have and any more we may want to add as well! I am thinking this long weekend that DH has from work will be used to see what we have around to make an incubator from too. Then all we have to do once those 2 projects are compete is get some fertile eggs.
Hey everyone!!!

Nh, I have to agree with everyone else, looks like a broody hen to me

Wild, what adorable little goats, I love them at that age

Moores6, That is beautiful!!!

I officially hate McDonalds right now, I got food poisoning from eating their fries. I just ate a couple crackers and they are sitting ok, it's the first thing I have eaten all day
On a happier note, I set me duck eggs!!!! I'm hoping all goes well this time!
Evening Folks.....hope everyone had a good day

NH........congrats on the fluffy bator.....hope she hatches lots for you
jumpy.gif precious........lucky you
love.gif it
droolin.gif sorry you aren't feeling well....hope you are better soon

HT.......I hope for blue

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