North Carolina

i'm in boone. lincolnton is only a little over and hour away. that might be doable. my wife wants eggs of all colors so these are what we are looking for. ee's welsummer's, blue laced wyandottes, light sussex, amerucana,aracuanana and we've seen an olive egger (amerucana/black copper maran mix) any one know of other chickens with neat colored eggs?

we already have two black astralorps, 3 silkies, 2 lav orps, and 2 french marans. all straight run, 9 days old.

thx for all the help, andy

Hi 5pinkbunnies!!!! Your ducks are so darn cute!!!
I wanna hug 'em!

I am in a HAPPY duck mood actually! Yesterday I spent most of the day sorting out what I wanted to get done in the garden and the chicken coops. I finally gave them all a good cleaning and moved my cochins in with my silkies. Then I moved sweet Lily (The coyote surviving duck for anyone who hasn't seen the story) into the cochin pen since its a converted dog house on the ground. It's easy for her to come and go, and she's REALLY happy to have the room to move. She's spent the last 5 weeks in a bathtub and a 2 1/2' x 2 1/2' pen! She now has a 2' x 3' coop with an 8 ft run. I'm just going to work out a way to get a little pool in there and she's good for awhile. If I ever release her to the pond again, it may be next year if I feel the coyote has moved on. Fat chance though!

Which reminds me... after bugging me for years, hubby finally got a 22 gauge. Man, that thing is big! Definitely over kill!
I know that I get confused kinda easy anymore, But do you mean a 20 gauge shotgun, or a .22 cal. rifle?
Both are about the smallest you can get in each category of weapon. But each has it's own uses on a small farm, better to have both!
You know Scott, its so not you at all! LOL

It didn't sound right to me either, but honestly, I am not a gun person. He babbles on, I pretend to listen, and that's what happens. I get things all mixed up. To me its big.... I'm only good at the whole BB gun thing and that's about it. Maybe I'll ask him to tell me again. I think its a shot gun... that would make sense wouldn't it?! :)

Either way... he has a big boom stick, and I want that coyote to die!
Sorry I didn't post last night... but I was hot & tired after WCA yesterday.

There seemed to be a ton of guinea keets & an overload of rabbits at the auction.

They no-sold about 4 goats (seller's wanted $55 each and bids only went up to $30 or so) Some turkeys sold really cheap.

Stuff sold pretty cheap, in general... we bought a pair of spangled game chickens & a silver lakenvelder roo (for Jamie).

I finally drug DH out to TSC & Lowe's to pick up my material to start building my Serama pens.

I cannot wait ! Jasper & his serama harem are ready for their new digs. And I will be so glad to have pens for them that I can walk into and actually spend time with my little pretties.

I hope everyone has a great night!
Mary, I'm glad I didn't go... if there were more broilers, I would have brought them home at the prices they went for last time!!! Maybe next weekend.... I'm looking for a duck friend for Lily now so she's not lonely. :(
Good Morning everyone!! Can I just say I have the SWEETEST neighbor?? Yesterday he stopped by (I was a bit "indisposed aka nursing) and because I didn't answer the door, left a package for us. The left us a huge pail of fresh cut flowers and a bag of tomatoes!! Isn't he just the sweetest?? I don't know one flower from the next, but they are pretty. I am hoping to "hurry" and make some tomato sauce before we leave as I do NOT want to come home to rotting tomatoes on my counters!! What we don't/can't use up...I will give to the chickens!!
Try not to smack your heads....when one prepares to go on vacation (and that said person has animals/livestock) they should make sure they have adequate food for said animals.
Told hubby last night I didn't know if we had enough food to last our trip as I am not sure how much the sitter will be feeding (even if we tell him, he may forget). DH says, "Oh yeah, I thought we had enough if I was the one feeding, but I guess we should go pick up another case". Well, one does not simply go "pick up a bag" when you have wee ones and the only supplier for your specific feed is in downtown Raleigh!!
If my DH comes on looking for means I am lost in Raleigh somewhere!!
Silver Laced Wyandotte Cockerels forsale:

Hatched May 26th. Hen raised and always freeranged. They are not petable. I have not spent any time trying to tame them.

The SLW pullet and Marans are NOT forsale

We had a wonderful little visit with Beth & the kids today.... oh how I love going to Beth's house.

Anyway... had to drop off a roo for Jamie (at least... I hope it is a roo) Beth got me to wondering???
And lookee here at what I picked up at Beth's house.....

I love them.... ty,ty,ty,ty Beth!

Here is a pic of the bug-eyed chick with his/her siblings....

He just looks funny to me.... what do you think?

This is my lone SFH chick in the brooder.

Oh yeah... question for you.... do you think this silkie looks frizzled or sizzled... whatever a frizzled silkie is called?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot... this is the hen I was talking about.... if anyone knows what breed she might be... I would greatly appreciate your input. I love her irregardless and she aint going nowhere... just always wondered what she was...

She's giving that poor baby pidgeon the stink eye.

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