North Carolina

We're still up in Raleigh, but it looks like Reilly can Not be helped by more surgery. We can only do supportive measures for him. Better for my bank account currently, but I'd rather they could have fixed him up. :'(

RIP baby Chekov

I didnt secure their covering correctly and their pen had a huge puddle in it. I thought nothing of it, just fixed the tarp and went on about my business, thinking there was no way Momma would let her babies drown... I hate making stupid mistakes like this when it could have been avoided.
Well today hasnt been going well but I just laughed my behind off at my stupid rooster. He came running out of the coop at the one girl not already up, he was so eager to have his way, he did a somersault over her head and landed on his big floofy butt

RIP baby Chekov

I didnt secure their covering correctly and their pen had a huge puddle in it. I thought nothing of it, just fixed the tarp and went on about my business, thinking there was no way Momma would let her babies drown... I hate making stupid mistakes like this when it could have been avoided.
Honey, you can't predict the future. We've all had a steep learning curve at some point. I found out the hard way some years ago that ducklings can also drown. And they can all do it even if no human is involved. I am sorry it happened to your chick, though.

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