North Carolina

If anyone is interested I am going to offer a couple of "Rainbow Bantam Orp" egg combos. It will include two each of chocolates (breeding to an American black rooster so all males will be black females chocolate), lavender and cuckoo.
Good morning folks

Oh the adventures of the first few days of
school. It's a good thing I can adjust
easily and have a good sense of direction.

You got to be flexible and willing to take a kid
home even if they or the school don't know
where that might be......that's why the AP
loves me.

I was lucky to get home as the roads were
flooding quickly. I barely got through areas
as it just rained so heavy and fast that the
roads could not drain quick enough.

Hope you have a good day
Good Morning, Everyone!

I love hearing about all the daily adventures!

Hubby is kindly still doing the morning chores so I don't have to manuever in the dark with the weird hard-shoe on my foot. I think that I'll be back in my own shoes by this weekend though, so can take over my own chores again. I'm sure the chickens don't care who opens their door and gives them their fix of crack...I mean scratch. I like to think they prefer me, though.

Have a great day everyone!
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Good Morning everyone!

Got up at 4:30 this morning to make sure hubby got up, showered, and dressed in time to catch the PART bus up to Greensboro at 6:30. It's picture day at school, and it's embarrassing when the teacher is as disheveled as the kids who forgot! LOL

Figured since I was up anyway, I'd work on a CNC Lathe program for school. Got the whole thing written (which is a whole lot of this:
) and went to pull up the site that runs the simulator program for the lathe and got the message that they were doing system maintenance and upgrades.

On the up side, the hens are fat and happy (hubby insists they're just fluffy, but I picked one of the Barred Rocks up yesterday, and trust me...they're fat!), and gifting us with lots of eggs. Our neighbors officially love us, since they're benefiting from the bounty as much as we are.

The play I'm in (A Midsummer Night's Dream) opens tomorrow night and runs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It's at Bicentennial Park in Asheboro, and it's free!! So if anyone in the area is looking for some entertainment this weekend come on by. It's a shortened version of Shakespeare's play, and it's set in 1967 with lots of "hippies." Huge fun and very funny...if I do say so myself!

Have a great day everyone!
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Good morning everyone!!! I need to sell a few of these duccles to make room for the Swedes I have coming....maybe a trio or quad.? Pm me if you'd like to make an offer. Other than that I think we got most of the rats killed and the house is finally starting to look like a home
Good morning everyone!! I am HAPPY to report that DD#2 is doing SO MUCH better today!! I had a PRN look at her last night at church (along with a few "seasoned" mothers) and she confirmed what I had suspected all alone, but the Pediatrician disagreed with me on. We believe that DD#2 had a mild case of chickenpox!! The Pediatrician said because the blisters were not in the "correct" areas for an infant it couldn't be chickenpox...when has an infection/disease/illness EVER done what it's "suppose to?" I was skeptical after that meeting, especially since she said, "it's definitely viral, but what it is, I can't tell you. I do have some ideas though, but we'll let it play out and see how it goes." WHAT?!? GRR. Also, I thought DD had given me whatever it was that she had, but fortunately my "flare up" was nothing more than a mildly severe allergic reaction to the wonderful biting ants that we have around here!! I expect DD to be back to her old self later on today and NO MORE sick babies for me...for a LONG LONG LONG time (I hope)!! Now if I could only get my window/builder issues taken care of...

In chicken related news... I think I have officially caused a friend of mine to be ADDICTED!! She started out with 1 RIR hen and her mother wanted more eggs, so they ordered some sexed chicks. After making stew out of a few of them, they realized they needed/wanted more chickens so I informed them of WCA as well as offered them any of our fertile eggs they may want to incubate later on should they get an incubator/brooder. Well...this has set her on a fun quest to do much research (I would have directed them to here, but they are Quakers and they do not allow a computer/TV in the home). Here's hoping I have shared the wonderful chicken math disease!!

Rookie: I am so sorry about your chickie!!

Hollow: Sorry that there is nothing more to be done for Reilly.

HT: I just want to come live with your chickens!!

CSB: Not that I'd EVER want to be back in school...but IF I was, I'd definitely want to be on your route...I bet you're a hoot!!

NCNarrator: I would always forget about picture day...LOL, for some reason I'd be working on something here or there and before you know it, it sneaks up on you and you're not ready (at least that's how it was with me!!)
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
LOVE LOVE LOVE that play!! Break a leg!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

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