North Carolina

lol you welcome any time to pet, love or feed, and if lonely enough you can even clean the chicken house if you want


lol you welcome any time to pet, love or feed, and if lonely enough you can even clean the chicken house if you want
x3!! Although if you get your chicken fill, I still have diapers you can change...which is almost as bad (sometimes I think worse) than cleaning coops!!

Just wanted to say...we are LOVING our guineas & ducks!! I cannot believe I waited SOOOO long to get them!! DD#1 LOVES running around the house "calling" to the guineas. Every time she hears the females, she responds with "buckwheat" and when the boys call out...she says, "mommy, boy guinea". SO cute!! If the ducks waddle past the porch or a window, she stops what she's doing to call out, "Mommy, DUCKS". She will then "waddle" to the next window to watch them until they are out of sight, or until they nestle down in the grass. I don't know WHY we bothered setting up a duck area...our ducks follow the chickens around the yard, sleep in the nesting boxes (at least they are not sleeping under the roosts and getting pooped on) and even try to eat/drink out of their feeders/waterers even though they have a pool and several other containers full of water and their own separate feeder.
Too funny. I had company yesterday and the farmer's wife that was visiting was fascinated with my mutt rooster. She thought he was beautiful and would be "tasty"...but a pain to pluck. I explained to her, I thought he looked good too...then I was shown just how skinny he was and how the FLUFF made him look as if he was ready to head to the freezer. We both were disappointed on that one!! LOL!!

Have a great day everyone!!
x3!! Although if you get your chicken fill, I still have diapers you can change...which is almost as bad (sometimes I think worse) than cleaning coops!!

Just wanted to say...we are LOVING our guineas & ducks!! I cannot believe I waited SOOOO long to get them!! DD#1 LOVES running around the house "calling" to the guineas. Every time she hears the females, she responds with "buckwheat" and when the boys call out...she says, "mommy, boy guinea". SO cute!! If the ducks waddle past the porch or a window, she stops what she's doing to call out, "Mommy, DUCKS". She will then "waddle" to the next window to watch them until they are out of sight, or until they nestle down in the grass. I don't know WHY we bothered setting up a duck area...our ducks follow the chickens around the yard, sleep in the nesting boxes (at least they are not sleeping under the roosts and getting pooped on) and even try to eat/drink out of their feeders/waterers even though they have a pool and several other containers full of water and their own separate feeder.
Too funny. I had company yesterday and the farmer's wife that was visiting was fascinated with my mutt rooster. She thought he was beautiful and would be "tasty"...but a pain to pluck. I explained to her, I thought he looked good too...then I was shown just how skinny he was and how the FLUFF made him look as if he was ready to head to the freezer. We both were disappointed on that one!! LOL!!

Have a great day everyone!!

I KNEW you would love them !!!
UPDATE: All of our chickens are now sold. We had a guy come yesterday to get our Ameracuana pair and my polish and the other 12 are going to a friend of ours Friday. I will be leaving BYC since we don't have plans to get more chickens anytime soon.

ETA: Does anyone know how to cancel a BYC account?
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