North Carolina

Well. We had left the sheep locked up in the barn last night, as hubby would not be back before I left, so I was on my own this morning. Thankfully, I had deflated sheep and diarrhea everywhere. Yay! Bloat is gone, diarrhea is easily controlled, since it's the result of our treating the bloat. All is well.

We need to do something about our newly aquired tendencies to leave gates open. We've each done it once now.
Howdy everyone! just been catching up. All is well on the homefront, well mostly. Woke up sunday morning got all my immediate chores done and went to shower, and NO hot water! I go out to the tank and find ankle deep it fixed yesterday and finally got a decent shower in.
I'm personally LOVING THE WEATHER!

I still have some D'uccles that would love to find a new home if anyone is wanting some.....SQ birds at a great deal right before show season? PM me if interested!

Only 7 more months of quiet around here =( wish me luck!
Howdy everyone! just been catching up. All is well on the homefront, well mostly. Woke up sunday morning got all my immediate chores done and went to shower, and NO hot water! I go out to the tank and find ankle deep it fixed yesterday and finally got a decent shower in.
I'm personally LOVING THE WEATHER!

I still have some D'uccles that would love to find a new home if anyone is wanting some.....SQ birds at a great deal right before show season? PM me if interested!

Only 7 more months of quiet around here =( wish me luck!

Yeah, silence is golden until you have kids. Then silence becomes, "Uh oh...wonder what those kids are up to now?"

Which begs the question--were you a white-hair child? Did you raise your parents' blood pressure and give them white hair? At any point, did your mother say, "Someday, you'll have a child just like you...and I will LAUGH!"

I'm trying to talk hubby into letting me add a few more chickens to the seven we have. Got any pics of your D'uccles?
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it's one mille fluer roo and 3 hens and one porcelain hen

Oh, they are so pretty! Lord, I can hear my hubby now. "You want ornamental chickens now? Ornamental? Where the last part of the word is mental?
Thanks SOS.
So I've been doing all the chicken stuff lately and noticed cat poop outside my pen on the ground. And No more rats!!!! but if this cat gets frisky and I find one of my chickens hurt we will be digging a hole for a dead cat. Anyone have any ideas on how to keep him/her off my chickens once it finishes up all the rats?
Hello all :frow. Today is a sad day for me, after much debate I've decided I have to sell my 8 month old Nubian/Alpine dairy doe. She is a total sweet heart and LOVES to be loved. She is spoiled rotten :lau. My plan had been to build a big stall and put up a fence for her and find her a friend this fall, but money wise, I'm no longer able to do this, and it unfair of me to keep her here all alone. Please pm me if you can give her a home. I'd like to get 100$ for her, so I can afford to fix coops up for the winter. Thank you!

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