Northeast Poultry Congress 2013

She will freeze to death in the car. I have seen VERY well behaved dogs in a stroller.
There are areas inside the building that are "safe", away from the coops, by the vendors.
If she is well behaved, it may be OK, but if she starts to fuss when she sees the birds, you may have a problem.
i have a carrying bag, i will bring it with us
I have another question for anyone who is experienced with this show, are well behaved little dogs allowed? On leash of course and in a bag if necessary. My friend has to bring her lhasa apso with us but we need to know if we can bring her to the show because that is where we will be all day and we really don't want to leave her in the car or something.
I quote from the show catalogue :"
For the safety of the poultry and exhibitors, dogs are not permitted in the show hall"

So no, they won't be allowed in the building.
got an email back from the department of agriculture, SHE said they will need to be tested. But this is not true right? I posted the email I sent her a page back.
Are these birds you want to bring in entered in the show or are you bringing them just to sell?

If not, only people that have birds entered in the show are allowed to sell. I know that it is true, because I asked.

People who have entered birds, can buy a sales area for $50.
I quote from the show catalogue :"
For the safety of the poultry and exhibitors, dogs are not permitted in the show hall"

So no, they won't be allowed in the building.
I already got an answer from one of the show officials. She is allowed in the fairgrounds, but not in the show hall. There are places inside where there are no birds though she may be permitted if she is in a carrier.
So, I want to get at least two new Silkie hens/pullets to breed in the spring. What kind of prices are good quality hens going for these days? At least breeding quality, doesn't have to be show quality. I'll be looking for something appropriate for my splash cockerel.
So, I want to get at least two new Silkie hens/pullets to breed in the spring. What kind of prices are good quality hens going for these days? At least breeding quality, doesn't have to be show quality. I'll be looking for something appropriate for my splash cockerel.
I was lucky and got my blue for only $20, but I think she was giving me a deal because she felt bad and it was the holidays
just seeing this, would LOVE to go (to observe) and am wondering for those who have been before or in the know, is there a large amount of vendors? and what type of stuff are they selling?? or is it basically just selling birds?? thanks for any info

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