Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

It has been a long time since I've been on here lol
How are the Mille girls? I am also curious what your lavander
split boy looks like now & his offspring? One of my offspring has the lavander
split but also alot of partridge color he's quite handsome 

Take care Jen
Shay, your mailbox is full..........................................................Chrisf
Shay It has been a long time since I've been on here lolHow are the Mille girls? I am also curious what your lavandersplit boy looks like now & his offspring? One of my offspring has the lavandersplit but also alot of partridge color he's quite handsome Take care Jen

Hey how u doing i lost him
i have the lav girl i am getting some pretty neat colors
Update i have for sale 6 tumbler female pigeons two buff orphangtons hens one white polish pullet chick could be splash lf one cross breed egg layer chick pullet black with laceing
Hi. I have white silkies, blue/black/splash silkies, wc blue/cuckoo Polish, and wc chocolate Polish laying currently with fertility going strong.
All are bantam sized. If you'd like a half dozen of any mix of those eggs, I can accommodate you if you let me know soon by PM. I am, unfortunately, not going to be able to make it to the show, but my friend Maria (Crunchie) is going and could bring you eggs to the show. Visit my website at to see photos of my birds. If you're showing in Mass., good luck and have fun! If you're not showing and just attending ... have fun! lol

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