Norwegian Jaerhon

My current roo is a sweetie and lets me pick him up. But I had one in the past that was vicious with the hens, he blinded one! needless to say he is no longer with us LOL
When I have a cheeky roo, I catch him and carry him around with me while doing the outside chores. It seems to take them down a peg or two LOL
Where are you located?

Oh sorry, not good at this forum thing. I am in Colorado Springs Co. If anybody is interested in trading NJ eggs?. My 2 girls have just started to lay again after their molt. I have read other people have had their babies die after they hatch but I have never had that problem so the genes are strong. But unfortunately with my last hatch I only got one little hen :( and she will probably start to lay in a months time.
I am ready to break out the incubator in the next week or two, and I also have two broody Silkie hens so rearing to go!
Also very keen to trade for Cream Legbar eggs.
@Hangtown Farms
What was it you were disappointed in?
not real hearty and honestly I don't think the are all pure. I had hens that had leghorn form and roosters with odd combs.
I lost a few that just seemed to not be super hearty as well.
Maybe it was just though. Now the 2 I kept look pretty good. Comb isn't great but ok and they have a good Penedesenca from but 2 out of 25?
@Hangtown Farms
What was it you were disappointed in?
I have no experience with Penes from sandhill but my experience is mixed. I've gotten many breeds from them, most breeds were very nice and healthy.
I liked the Jaers they sent me. Some the dark variety, some light. I also got a Jaer frizzle but the neighbors dogs ate it.
A friend got some Black Penedesencas from there and they had 5 toes. Not a good thing.
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