Norweigan Jaerhon 10+ Eggs *TEST SETTER NEEDED*/Ship on Mon


11 Years
Dec 6, 2008
Western Colorado
My young Norwegian Jaerhon flock have laid all winter long up here in the high country. My original thinking in getting them is that: 1) They are active/able to fly and can perhaps get away from predators...since I free-range my laying flock in the woods surrounding my mountain home, this is a great plus for me. 2) They are a light-weight bird, not a heavy eater, but lay a large egg. 3) NJ's are sexable at birth, so I can begin working on finding homes for extra roosters sooner rather than later. 4) Jaerhons are reported to be winter-hardy (and boy do we have winter in the Rockies!)

After having my Jaerhons now for a year, I'm very happy with them! They are all quite mild-mannered birds and easy keepers. The pale crele-type coloring is calming to look at and also gives them a bit of camoflauge in the bushes. They lay a good-sized, pale beige/almost white, bulbous egg, sometimes hard to tell which end is the big end! I'm going to be using their eggs for pasanke (Ukranian egg painting) and the size, shape and color are perfect for that. I would not think they'd make a good meat bird, which is fine with me, as I want them just for layers.

So, I'm wanting to fertility test. It is too early for me at this altitude to start raising chicks myself. A fellow BYCer is test hatching a few for me, but I'd like someone else to try some so I can get a good feel for how the young rooster, Oslo, is doing...I can't at all guarantee the fertility rate on these.

This auction will be for 10+ eggs, which I am collecting now till Sunday. They will ship on Monday, March 8, USPS Priority, lovingly wrapped/padded!

Finished auction price + $15 shipping will need to be sent thru Paypal by Mar 6 (Sat pm).

Please PM me if you have any questions!
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Some of my big girls (Welsummers, RIR, NHR...and don't even get me started on the Marans...) have enormous appetites for my whole grain diet. The Jaerhons are not piggies like that. They seem very thrifty that way. And yet their eggs are as big.

In personality, they are confident and curious, not flighty like one might tend to assume, given their Old English game bird look.
They are nice. I was always going to order some from Sandhill, but never did. Maybe later on in the year I can order some eggs from you.
Thank you...I never get tired of looking at them! The hens actually carry their tails quite high, higher than in the photos, but it was rainy when I took photos, so they seem little "saggy"...!

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