not after chickens but I have skunk problem


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Ohio near Coshocton
I didn't put this in predators since they are are not after my chickens but at least one has decided that under my riding mower in the garage is a good bed. Two nights of the live trap set with tuna in it and no skunk in the trap. Any tips on what would interest the stinker better than tuna? Thank you in advance for any help!!!
I remember roasting marshmellows for smores one camping trip and we had to abandon them and run into our camper because there was a skunk visitor....ate up are marshmellows and everything. stinker.
A Loud Radio. One decided under our porch would make a nice bed. We put a radio inside the porch loud and it finally came out and didn't return.
my dog.

It's just a matter of time before our neighborhood skunk Stella gets him again.

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