Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Awesome info! Thank you for posting your source. I have been ordering from Murray McMurray and so far and completely satisfied with birds and service. We just basically decided that any birds we get are worth the $.16 to vaccinate. Later on I hope to pick up some heirloom breeds that MM don't carry and those will be quarantined for a time. We are blessed that our home used to be a chicken farm with three buildings already setup! I am sorry for the decision you are forced to make. It seems as if you know what would be best for your flock but that doesn't make it any easier does it? Good luck in whatever you decide.
McMurray uses all 3 types of vaccine for their vaccinations. They are who I use as well for the important ones. As for the rest...So many of us have been dealt this hand that there has got to be a reason. We all found each other here as well. Now think about that! Who'da thunk? I believe there is a reason for everything in our lives and maybe it's just to scare the crap out of the rest of you with our horror stories, lol. Who knows. I do know that all of us bring something to the table that is just a touch different and if you take the time to read and digest all the info brought forth....yeah, you learn what you need to not only spot a problem, but to make the right decision for your own. Do I have all the answers for my flock? Oh heck no!!! I'm winging it, excuse the pun, the same as anybody else. I know what I know and I do what I can. Seminolewind was my inspiration in the beginning and I still turn to her and others when I hit a brick wall and believe me, that is more often than not. She, Seminole, called this disease perfectly when she said it was like fighting a ghost. That phrase sticks with me because truer words have not been spoken. Take the time and read through the whole thread. The info here is amazing and the camradery is too. So many of us...and we all bring something different through our experiences with the nasty disease.
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You're so sweet. Maybe I was your inspiration, but you keep me going! And yes you are like a one person support group. Love ya, Haunted.

Tara, good for you to get them vaccinated. I have not lost any of my vaccinated birds , and I started vaccinating 2 years ago. And you are certainly lucky falling into a chicken setup already built!
So far all we have really had to do is reinforce teh existing fence line, and build roosts and nesting boxes. Of all that we have done the only money we have had to spend, other than on birds and feed, has been the fencing. I totally enjoy being a chicken "rancher" and our operation has already doubled from our existing ideas. I only wanted to do maybe 10 laying hens and 10 to 15 meat birds! So far I have brooded 96 birds and only lost three in the first batch (they weren't MM birds) and one due to an impacted crop (I learned not to use grow-gel). Once people in our area found out that we were setting up chickens we had people asking for eggs and help brooding their own birds! I have 31 in my original flock and 11 more laying hens due to join the others once they are big enough. I have become the "chicken lady" and am actually enjoying it (despite the name). I am glad to have found a site like this, I don't feel quite so lost!
I moved the "Marek's" patient into my bedroom where it's nice and cool. I can't believe she's lasting this long without food and water. Her crop has not emptied what was in there 5 days ago. In my bedroom I can massage it several times a day. I gave her bread and chockolate cake in milk. She can stand, but not long.

So, I hatched 7 chicks for my barn owner. 6 are males!!! This guy came and got 4 of them yesterday. I think he processes them after they grow up. The owner gave them to him before I came there yesterday. He's keeping one, a BR roo, and I took the biggest JG blue home because he was the one who sat on my arm and took naps as a baby.

I gave him 2 hens that were bullying my one eye girl. I'm thinking to give him another hen or two. The barn is a beautiful place to find good things to eat. And they are safe at night. So I don't feel so bad.

I just feel like cutting down on what I have at this point. My hens at the barn are all from my flock. They have acres of grass, a huge manure pile, and 60 stalls to hunt for grain. A pen with a roof , coop not needed.
Sounds like an excellent place for them to be Seminolewind. As for the one with the symptoms, It's a sad thing no matter how you look at it. I'd say give her vitamins but if you don't think it would be a case of getting better once more, then I don't know. This is a hard call and not one anyone can do for you. The worst part or the best, however you want to view it, she's happy.

I just had to have my husband take one of the birds today Seminole, Golden Comet, 2 yrs and 4 months old. Last night she was fine and today hiding and not wanting to move. Did the whole check list and found absolutely nothing. I don't know if the roo finally had enough of her constant picking and put her in her place or what. No injuries I could see and from what I could feel of her insides, nothing seemed wrong. Nice red comb so didn't appear to be any internal bleeding, the only thing I saw with it was a part of the comb was no longer standing upright. She went from just standing to finally lying down and refusing to move. It wasn't Marek's, at least I don't believe it was. She was going and fast, so we decided to do the humane thing and wish her Godspeed and send her on her way. I'm not going to bother with a necropsy as I already know what's here. If another one shows any distress or symptoms, then I'll act and quickly, but I really think this may be a case of being put in her place as she was giving the new roo a very bad time and causing all kinds of problems in the coop.
How sad!

It's hard to distinguish between Marek's and not. I can only say that Marek's can go on for a while, weeks to months.

My baby is still hanging in there, and had some chocolate cake on her beak this morning.
Just a question, if you had the chance to move on property that was free of chickens, would you start with a new flock, or would you still bring over you original flock, and keep moving on?

Sigh... man, that is a tough question. I sure am attached to the individual birds I have. On the other hand... seeing a bird succumb to Marek's is pretty depressing. I know some of you have gone through it so many times you get numb to it, but my heart breaks each time. I figure that the chances of me somehow transferring Marek's during moving... (forgetting to clean something, maybe it's in the car? Heavens knows I've had enough chickens in the car..) are there anyhow. And my Marek's came in on the environment. Maybe it'd happen again. Maybe not! I don't know. Still, considering the alternative is 'cull all hens, move, start over', I think I'd probably bring my flock with me and just continue to only bring vaccinated chicks in. Maybe not logical, but humans are not always so logical.

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