Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Quote from Haunted "If I had the chance you do right now, I would continue with it. Get the vaccine for 2 dosings and I would do the hatch the same as I wrote before. It would be the opposite of what Seminolewind did. I would be taking them away from the disease while they are still covered by resistance from the parent stock and vaccinating them for even more. I would also do it again around 4-5 weeks of age to give them the boost needed to face the dreaded 6-8 week marker. I look at it this way...I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by following this process. Remove the eggs...dead chicks. Continue and the chance of dead chicks but also the better chance of live chicks able to make it to adulthood. " Unquote.

Haunted, I wish I could remember what I do that you do the opposite of? Is it my confusion about where the eggs came from? If the eggs were laid by exposed hens, and hatched by exposed hens, it's possible they are resistant. I also had incubated eggs from exposed parents, and put them outside a week after they hatched, unvaccinated.

I've had 3-4 hatches from purchased eggs in my incubator that were moved outside next to the Marek's exposed birds before I knew I had it. I may have had 1 death in one hatch, and one death in one other hatch. I wonder if the eggs sent to me could have been from exposed backyard flocks? Then , I get a hatch of 10 and they all die. So those were from non exposed flock.

I just feel really clueless tonight
What it was Seminolewind, was putting the incubator hatched chicks with the hen. That is the opposite I was referring to. That's it, nothing else and it was only referring to something for the OP to try. No questioning of your methods, your expertise, or any other such thing. Just a chance for those eggs to hatch and then be immunized before unprotected exposure.

The info I was trying to impart was being done on the fly. I have a lot going on here and very little time to take care of all of it and try to help here as well. When I saw what was being done, panic mode set in and the brain went into overdrive to try and find a solution. Hogster 'knows' there is something going on with her flock. It may not be Marek's, but on the off chance that it is, all I could think about was how best to solve the immediate problem. You, me and so many others have been blind sided with this, Deb had a chance to a 'do over' unlike the rest of us. If it came across as anything else my friend and mentor, I am truly sorry.
I just want to thank everyone who takes the time to respond to issues here. It's more helpful than you know! I was totally dependent on you guys with my Penny. You guys are awesome! (well, gals, lol!)
HELP!!! I know this probably doesn't have to do with mareks, but everybody on this thread is really experienced. Update on the EE, full recovery! Anyway, I have another bird that seems to have a slight swelling in the face, and all my birds are sneezing, and some have slightly " fatter " heads, but not enough to be called swelling. Tomorrow I will be able to go to the feed store, and I need to know what meds to get before 7:00 am tomorrow. I have come to the conclusion that Tylan sounds like the best option, but also dermycin, Vetrx, and tymercin. Which one is best? There is no heat, hardness, or fever, just a little puffy in the face. Thanks for the help!!!
What it was Seminolewind, was putting the incubator hatched chicks with the hen. That is the opposite I was referring to. That's it, nothing else and it was only referring to something for the OP to try. No questioning of your methods, your expertise, or any other such thing. Just a chance for those eggs to hatch and then be immunized before unprotected exposure.

The info I was trying to impart was being done on the fly. I have a lot going on here and very little time to take care of all of it and try to help here as well. When I saw what was being done, panic mode set in and the brain went into overdrive to try and find a solution. Hogster 'knows' there is something going on with her flock. It may not be Marek's, but on the off chance that it is, all I could think about was how best to solve the immediate problem. You, me and so many others have been blind sided with this, Deb had a chance to a 'do over' unlike the rest of us. If it came across as anything else my friend and mentor, I am truly sorry.

And I appreciate that. I understand that something is going on in my flock. Just not sure what that "something" is. Hopefully I will be able to find out soon. However, regardless to the answer, I am glad it led me here to this thread. You (all of you haunted, seminolwind, pysankigirl, casportpony, and nambroth) have all helped me and several others. Just by sharing your experience. From my stand point, all I can do is try. Then maybe we can start ruling things to the good or the bad.

I'm still not sure if all will go to brooder box or half and half. Just not sure. Since I have no definite answer as to what is in my flock, and no one else has had anything happen to them. I think half and half is worth a shot. But all will be vaccinated 2xs. I still haven't candled so I don't know how things are going. I do know mama is sitting proud though.
HELP!!! I know this probably doesn't have to do with mareks, but everybody on this thread is really experienced. Update on the EE, full recovery! Anyway, I have another bird that seems to have a slight swelling in the face, and all my birds are sneezing, and some have slightly " fatter " heads, but not enough to be called swelling. Tomorrow I will be able to go to the feed store, and I need to know what meds to get before 7:00 am tomorrow. I have come to the conclusion that Tylan sounds like the best option, but also dermycin, Vetrx, and tymercin. Which one is best? There is no heat, hardness, or fever, just a little puffy in the face. Thanks for the help!!!
Pics if you can but off the cuff, it sounds like it might be Coryza.

If you have Duramycin-10 now, start it. The soonest the bestest. Don't know what you have for antibiotics at home...I'd even use Sulmet if it was all I had. the faster you treat, the less chance of a severe infection.

Infectious Coryza
Synonyms: roup, cold, coryza
Species affected: chickens, pheasants, and guinea fowl. Common in game chicken flocks.
Clinical signs: Swelling around the face, foul smelling, thick, sticky discharge from the nostrils and eyes,
labored breathing, and rales (rattles -- an abnormal breathing sound) are common clinical
signs. The eyelids are irritated and may stick together. The birds may have diarrhea and
growing birds may become stunted (see Table 1).
Mortality from coryza is usually low, but infections can decrease egg production and
increase the incidence and/or severity of other diseases. Mortality can be as high as 50
percent, but is usually no more than 20 percent. The clinical disease can last from a few
days to 2-3 months, depending on the virulence of the pathogen and the existence of other
infections such as mycoplasmosis.

Transmission: Coryza is primarily transmitted by direct bird-to-bird contact. This can be from infected
birds brought into the flock as well as from birds which recover from the disease which
remain carriers of the organism and may shed intermittently throughout their lives.. Birds
risk exposure at poultry shows, bird swaps, and live-bird sales. Inapparent infected adult
birds added into a flock are a common source for outbreaks. Within a flock, inhalation of
airborne respiratory droplets, and contamination of feed and/or water are common modes
of spread.

Treatment: Water soluble antibiotics or antibacterials can be used. Sulfadimethoxine (Albon
, Di-
) is the preferred treatment. If it is not available, or not effective, sulfamethazine
, SulfaSure
), erythromycin (gallimycin
), or tetracycline (Aureomycin
) can
be used as alternative treatments. Sulfa drugs are not FDA approved for pullets older than
14 weeks of age or for commercial layer hens. While antibiotics can be effective in reducing
clinical disease, they do not eliminate carrier birds.
Thanks so much! I did have some durmycin on hand, but it's gone now. I have also put extra herbs, garlic, and ACV in the feed to boost the immune system. So you advice durmycin, not Tylan? Thanks so much!
How long did you give the Duramycin? When did you stop? I always have Duramycin, Tylan, both 50 and 200, Sulmet and Di-Methox. The one I reach for first though, is the Duramycin. It is listed as a treatment for most of the respiratory diseases and if caught in the early stages, is readily taken in by the drinking water method. I keep the others for when the bird is beyond that point or the tetracycline is showing itself to be ineffective. A word of caution...if you ever suspect a Botulism in your birds, DO NOT give any tetracycline! This will make it worse and almost assuredly bring about death. That is the only contraindication I know of at this time.

Now if you have run out of the Duramycin and it has been a few days...find another antibiotic to give. Check that link I gave you and find one you can readily get. If a few days have gone by, you have given whatever is going on a chance to become resistant to the tetracycline. Could it still work? Maybe, but how well is the question. You have to look at this the same as your doctor looks at you when you have something that needs an antibiotic. He gives you a course of them and expects you to take every one of those pills for a reason. To stop and start again isn't a good idea. You are giving the little nasties a chance to find a work around when you do that. Same with the birds. The exact same. If it has been more than 24 hrs since you gave the Duramycin...find something else.

Just an FYI, you would do better giving your bird a high potency probiotic rather than the ACV, et al. Immunity starts in the gut of any creature. You get that straight and the animal can fight off things much better. I use a human probiotic called FloraGen3. Top of the line and very, very powerful. Your pharmacy probably carries it and it runs about $15.00 for a bottle of 30. All you need is one capsule sprinkled on the feed 2x's a week and it has a long shelf life if kept in the fridge. You can do this before the antibiotic and then afterwards for a couple of weeks to make sure everything is back to what it should be. One bottle will last a long time so for me the monies are worth it.
How long did you give the Duramycin? When did you stop? I always have Duramycin, Tylan, both 50 and 200, Sulmet and Di-Methox. The one I reach for first though, is the Duramycin. It is listed as a treatment for most of the respiratory diseases and if caught in the early stages, is readily taken in by the drinking water method. I keep the others for when the bird is beyond that point or the tetracycline is showing itself to be ineffective. A word of caution...if you ever suspect a Botulism in your birds, DO NOT give any tetracycline! This will make it worse and almost assuredly bring about death. That is the only contraindication I know of at this time.

Now if you have run out of the Duramycin and it has been a few days...find another antibiotic to give. Check that link I gave you and find one you can readily get. If a few days have gone by, you have given whatever is going on a chance to become resistant to the tetracycline. Could it still work? Maybe, but how well is the question. You have to look at this the same as your doctor looks at you when you have something that needs an antibiotic. He gives you a course of them and expects you to take every one of those pills for a reason. To stop and start again isn't a good idea. You are giving the little nasties a chance to find a work around when you do that. Same with the birds. The exact same. If it has been more than 24 hrs since you gave the Duramycin...find something else.

Just an FYI, you would do better giving your bird a high potency probiotic rather than the ACV, et al. Immunity starts in the gut of any creature. You get that straight and the animal can fight off things much better. I use a human probiotic called FloraGen3. Top of the line and very, very powerful. Your pharmacy probably carries it and it runs about $15.00 for a bottle of 30. All you need is one capsule sprinkled on the feed 2x's a week and it has a long shelf life if kept in the fridge. You can do this before the antibiotic and then afterwards for a couple of weeks to make sure everything is back to what it should be. One bottle will last a long time so for me the monies are worth it.
I ran out of it yesterday. So they have been on it for two days only. The only problem is that I've used durmycin 2x before, and I'm worried it won't be affective. I will probably try to get both, and try the durmycin first. Thank you so much for the help. Hopefully I caught it in time!
Schnebbles-- So very, very sorry for your loss! I send my deepest condolences.

I'm sorry your husband is having a hard time understanding. Everyone can't understand everything so I'm glad you've found people here to understand the chicken part of your life.
I ran out of it yesterday. So they have been on it for two days only. The only problem is that I've used durmycin 2x before, and I'm worried it won't be affective. I will probably try to get both, and try the durmycin first. Thank you so much for the help. Hopefully I caught it in time!
Have you considered Baytril?


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