Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

WOW! First thing I would like to say is how impressed I am with all of you that belong to this thread. Impressed with the knowledge, the sincere kindness, the cheerleaders, the strong shoulders! I have just spent the last week or so reading all 134, (I think) pages. It was like a book I couldn't put down. I want to thank every one of you! I've learned so much! I've cried, and laughed, prayed and cheered. I will keep checking in to see how everyone is doing, I kinda feel like I know most of ya! Lol This has been my favorite thread so far.

We are planning on getting chicks next spring and I've been doing my homework. Got my coop plan, got my "meds to have on hand" list, best hatchery, illnesses to watch for, etc, etc. My journey started at different hatcheries looking at breeds suitable for our climate. I had read about the vacc for Mareks on Murry McMurray which in turn led me to this site and this thread. I've saved links, taken notes, and book marked page after page. We will most certainly be getting vaccinated chicks, and I'll be getting additional vaccine to give them a booster. If I ever have any problems next year this will be my first stop!

Oh and I subscribed to the thread about Horse Hooves that someone from this thread started, I had a bad shoer too!
Welcome Bbwyman! At least you're going about this all the right way.

Schnebbles, I think I saw it at the beginning. Still, there's places in this thread that have so many posts in one day!
Yea, I don't know if Haunted knew what this thread was too become. Hope she finds time to pop in soon.
"another" one showing symptoms is so dang upsetting. I'm glad there's lots of shoulders here.

My symptomatic vaccinated hen and an unvaccinated roo are still here. They are eating, they ate an omelet today. They are a bit less than normal in activity. I guess right now I'm waiting to see if they overcome it. I'm not getting my hopes up but they've been stable for over a month.
That is a work of art!!!! I added it to my signature.

One thing production companies learned in the 80's was that they were losing their vaccinated chickens up to 80%. Finally figured out that it takes a vaccine, keeping areas clean, not to mix ages or add to an established flock, and disinfecting between batches of growers. Losses dropped to less than 10%. So cleaning to reduce the concentration of virus is important.

That's a really good well planned site of information, and you added links as well!

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