Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Rooster eye pictures. This rooster has has these funny eyes for many months. He's almost completely blind, so he lives in a cage next to the paralyzed hen.

The top pic looks like what I've seen before in mine. I'm sorry about your two in the convalescent cages. Isn't it funny the things we do and the lengths we go to for our pets...
I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way !!!
I've been watching a little hen of unknown breed since early this week. I can't explain why, but she is different. Eating fine, etc. This morning I watched her in the coop. She is usually with the group that exits the coop the minute the door is opened, but today she was with the group that hangs out in the coop for awhile.
She was talking, and had mucuousy stuff in her beak - each time she opened her beak, you could see strands between her top and lower beak.

She did something that sounds like a sneeze a couple of times too. I picked her up, her eyes look normal, nothing from the nostrils....took her out and put her by the feed, she ate a little.

is this a mareks or underlying thing? never seen this before.

she was "different" before wed when I added turkey droppings/feathers to the run.
rotted meat! no, I didn't smell her breath, but her body smelled fine. I will try her tonight when she is on the roost and I can pick her up.

If she smelled like rotted meat, what does that indiciate (besides big trouble)
She was talking, and had mucuousy stuff in her beak - each time she opened her beak, you could see strands between her top and lower beak

I don't think that sounds like Marek's. It sounds like some respiratory infection OR just ate something and didn't swallow.
ugh. I'll look up coryza. She was fine when I got home tonight, but I was struggling with getting a chicken into the coop so didn't pick up the other to see about her breath.

I have a pullet who won't go in the chicken door. goes and roosts in pine trees if the people door is shut. I'm trying to get her to go in the chicken door but it isn't working. Its going to be tough this winter when it is dark hours before I am home. Always something new with chickens!
Hi Kathy and Haunted55 -
I find it so interesting all the different forms this disease takes on !!! I just start thinking I've got a grip (albeit a slippery one) on the particular issues I'm having with my flock and then, WHAM !!!, I read about another member's chicken developing a 'new' symptom or strain! This disease is like an cut off one arm only to find that it grows two new ones a few days later. My chickens eyes have never looked like your chickens Kathy. They've always turned to that opaque gray like Haunted55's chickens. But, like I've said, this disease is a grab bag of surprises that never ceases to amaze me! And I guess I should clarify...the chickens I've had who's eyes have gone gray have never survived...they just seem to live a little longer than the ones that get paralysis. Of course that could be because the paralyzed ones are harder for me to watch live that way, so they tend to get euthanized sooner...IDK. I just really don't !!!

On a brighter note...
here are a few pics of my 'new' babies and a couple of the now juvenile ones from a few months remember when I introduced Salt and Pepper to you all. Well, I'm now convinced that 'Salt' is a roo. and 'Pepper' is a pullet and since their individual personalities are finally shining through, I've changed their names to protect the guilty party that named them 'salt and pepper' in the first !!! They are now know as Socrates and Aristotle (Arie, for short). I know, I know...not much better, huh !?! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the show...

oops...pic. not in right order...this is Socrates and Arie.

the newbies...2 splash and 3 blue

brand spankin' newbie



Socrates and Arie's first dust bath

Socrates and Arie

aren't they just the cutest! i had some silkies hatch about 2wks ago(Tuesday) an oopsie on our part, thought someone was grabbing eggs, she didn't even act broody lol

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