Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Quote: Sorry to hear about your hen. We've all been in your shoes and there's nothing you can do to go back in time. Don't beat yourself up too much. My Marek's came from a hen we rescued last year because I just had to have her. She's doing great, but I lost two full batches of chicks since then in addition to some other random birds that were older.

My experience is that once they get the paralysis they do not get better. My first bird was very gradual paralysis. Started out with laying around a lot, then a couple of weeks later she was limping, then she couldn't use one leg at all, and by the end she couldn't stand at all. This took four months until I finally sent her in for necropsy.

I don't want to make a decision for you, but the only thing I regret is that I kept her around for so long because I was in denial and during this time she infected my entire flock, my babies, and my house and barn. I think if I would have culled sooner I could have spared some of my chicks, but by the time I knew what was happening it was too late.

You can help us out by telling us what kind of chickens you have and how old they are. You should also be weighing your sick bird at least twice a week. If you see she is losing weight that is another sign that is not good. If she is eating and maintaining her weight and seems content, then it is up to you how long to wait.

Keep the questions coming! Also, I recommend reading every post of this thread (all 339 pages LOL). By the time you are done you will feel better knowing that you are not alone and that we all have moved forward with the disease. It is horrible to see your birds get sick and know you can't do much for them, but in the end we have to be good patrons to our girls and do what is in their best interest.
My initiat flock was a mix of chicks 6 total that were born on May 5th. I got them from a mom and pop feed store and they have been in great health. Then I got a coronation Sussex and a silkie both are supposed to be around 5-6 months old but not certain. I got them from a women farmer. Then I met another lady at a poultry swap and her chickens were beautiful... I did the who exam and sadly these chickens are the most friendly a wellsummer and a golden comet.... The golden comet is the bird with the disease. I think they are approx. 4 months old... My initial chicks are 2 slw, 1 austrolorp, 1 brahma, 2 EE. One slw is a rooster. They are all named after old ladies... It seemed appropriate at the time:)
Your post gave me hope.. Thank you so much. I feel much better knowing there is somewhere to go to talk about it. You guys are the best
Here she is today... She is very sweet. She lit up when I brought her outside and desperately tried to walk she was panting so I moved her to a shaded spot... I think I will have to cull her soon this life can't be enjoyable for her... And she has to be alone so the others don't peck her... I don't know if I can do it ( cull her) maybe it's the hope that I'll come downstairs and she will be standing or maybe the thought of killing such a sweet soul hearts my heart... I feel awful, very sad I did not expect this emotional roller coaster with chicken keeping.. I just can't bare the thought of going through this with more she is sleeping under her bush... How badly I wish this would go away
Proud Army wife, I'm so sorry you're going through this it is awful. I think it's hardest with your first one that you have to cull. It does get a little easier as you learn you are being the kindest to your chicken when you make those hard decisions. It's giving them a little mercy when they need it the most. Having said that, it is a heartbreaking thing to experience. I just started dealing with this in October and I am still learning. Hang in there
I agree that the first one to cull is the hardest. Not that it is easy to do any of them, but making that first decision is tough.

You can contact your local state lab and they may do the euthanasia for you. My first hen died, the second I had the lab euthanize and both birds were confirmed to have Marek's. After that I knew I'd have to toughen up because the next few months were not kind to my chickens. I lost another one over the weekend. I'm down to one unvaccinated pullet, so hopefully it will be over soon.
Sometimes I can do them, sometimes hubby can do them. Sometimes I bring them to the vet. More and more I don't want to. It's easier with the vet. I and others have been experimenting with tubing about 1 ounce of vodka. Some fall asleep but it takes up to an hour. I cover their face. I think we all come to the conclusion that if one has animals and pets, it comes with the responsibility of a humane death, and with me a funeral and a prayer and some personal words.
She is gone... Can anyone tell me where they do necropsies in northern va? Horrible day...she was worse and I couldn't watch it anymore... Very sad
She is gone... Can anyone tell me where they do necropsies in northern va? Horrible day...she was worse and I couldn't watch it anymore... Very sad
Sorry for your loss. The state vet is in Richmond in this link:
You also may be able to get a necrospy at one of the vet colleges closer to home.Mareks testing is sometimes extra, and a live bird can also be tested for Mareks with a PCR test from different poultry centers such as Texas A&M for around $30. A local vet would probably need to draw blood and ship it.
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Sorry Armywife. My condolences to you. Please let us know when you get your lab results back.

Seminole - Your link didn't work. I found this article last week, which I think is the same information. I'm am shocked that PBS is publishing such information. There are a lot of discrepancies and errors in it, so I am not giving the article any validity at all. Unvaccinated birds do not die within 10 days of contacting the virus. This kind of info is just making the poorly informed even more uneducated. Unfortunately it isn't doing the rest of us any good.

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