Well, my little silkie, Choco is egg bound (I think). She has been broody recently, sitting on clusters of the other chickens' eggs all day for the last week.
I thought she was being her regular broody self when I went out yesterday to steal the eggs from under her, but I noticed that she wasn't sitting on one of her own. Later in the day she was still sitting there with no eggs beneath her, and her vent was flexing a lot. I thought maybe having a difficult time laying an egg.
I left her alone all the rest of the day and night. This morning I went out and she was in the very same spot, and none of the eggs under her were hers. I went to work, came home, and she's still in the same spot with no egg. She was still acting like she was trying to push.
I decided to try to help her. I put her in a warm sink-bath and she hated it! I read that egg-bound hens LIKE warm baths and that it calms them, but this was doing the exact opposite so I stopped trying. Then I got some vegetable oil and gently lubed the inside of her vent. I set her outside after she was dry, and she passed a huge, solid, egg-shaped poo. Then she seemed much happier, and ran around with the other chickens.
I thought - this is great! She's obviously feeling much better!
Now, two hours later she's back in her same spot, pushing and acting like she cant get an egg out...
I thought an egg-bound chicken could not poop (that being one of the reasons they die), so wouldn't her pooping imply that she was not egg-bound?
PS: I don't feel anything hard like an egg around there either.
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