Not good. Help, please?

there are two membranes. The outside membrane just inside the egg is white.
The inside membrane against the chick will appear brown if dried out.
As long as its pipped and you have good ventilation it should be fine to let it try to hatch a little longer.
It could be your thermo and hygrom is off.

Now the temp you should shoot for is about 100.0 - 101.00 . It's seems that some articles I read say the temp should be higher.

As for the humidity? The article I have from Practical Poultry magazine says 35% thru day 16 then up to 55% and then up again to 65% on day 19 to the end.

68% beginning to end is just too high. A hen only keeps it at 39%. At least that's what I can remember, I'm not sure.

I can e-mail you a copy off the article if you would like. I will not keep your address in my mailbox so don't worry.

Or you could have a defective incubator.

It could be your thermo and hygrom is off.

Now the temp you should shoot for is about 100.0 - 101.00 . It's seems that some articles I read say the temp should be higher.

As for the humidity? The article I have from Practical Poultry magazine says 35% thru day 16 then up to 55% and then up again to 65% on day 19 to the end.

68% beginning to end is just too high. A hen only keeps it at 39%. At least that's what I can remember, I'm not sure.

I can e-mail you a copy off the article if you would like. I will not keep your address in my mailbox so don't worry.

Or you could have a defective incubator.


Thanks, I calibrated my Brinsea to a thermo/hygrometer that hatched out my last HovaBator batch perfectly, so I'm not confident that that's my problem. As for the humidity, Colorado air is VERY dry, and I've read in many places to have humidity up higher, maybe even to 80-90% but I don't go quite that high.
I'm going to stay positive and hope for the best, I threw a wet paper towel in there really quick, so hopefully that'll help keep it up.
I'm leaving the house for a few hours, so there's nothing I can do. I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks so much.
It won't matter where you live chickens hatch the same everywhere. 68% is too high. 75 is worse.

The temps and humidity would be the same. I've never read anything about there being a need for higher humidity can you tell me where you've read this?

A Colorado breeder on here has it on his page.. Sackman I think?
My last hatch the humidity read up close to 80 after everyone started hatching after being around 65-70 for lockdown.

Why are they drying out if the humidity is too high then?
I've had 2 hatch so far, after I put in a wet paper towel. The paper towel is drying now, I'm wondering if I should just leave it or take it out or put in a new one? I have 2 alive pips right now that I can see, so I don't really want to open the lid, but I'm worried that if I don't put another paper towel in, they'll get shrink-wrapped..?
DON'T OPEN THE INCUBATOR!!!! Go outside, go shopping, go for a walk, just don't open it, you run the risk of shrinkwrapping the pipped eggs, aren't there some air holes you can put some water in if you are worried your humidity is low?
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I am by no means an expert. But I'd hang in there and wait a bit longer. My first chick took almost 24 hours from first pip to hatched. And my second chick is going on 36 hours, and still plugging away pretty vigorously this morning. The egg is rocking and little bits of shell go flying off every few minutes.

I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. Our pets mean so much to us. Losing them hurts...but living without pets would be worse!
From pip to hatch can take up to like 36 hours from what I've read on this very board. My one and only hatchling took almost EXACTLY 24 hours from pip to hatch. I was using a home made bator that was not ready for eggs yet, i ended up using it in an emergancy. I actually would dab my finger on the pip with a tiny drop of water to make sure it wouldnt dry out too much. But like i said, reading this forum will give you a TON of information and it's clear that it take a long while with some chicks to go from pip to the cold hard world.

I'm sorry about your precious pup it's a horrible thing to lose a fur baby )O:

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