I have 24, 21 week old, RIR's, Wyandottes & Araucanas. They started laying 2 weeks ago and I am now getting around 7 eggs/day. The chickens have a nice coop, run and free range most of the day. I have 1 hen who is laying in a dark spot outside the coop next to one of our horses stalls, and I have 1 hen who continues to just drop her egg in the middle of the chicken run, no straw anywhere, just on the dirt.
Should I keep them all in the run for around 3 days to try to get the odd 2 hens out to lay where they are suppose to, or what should I do, like block off the laying spot by the horse's stall? I want to do this right, but don't want to have to look all over the farm for where they might be laying every day. Today I left them in the run all day and I received 5 eggs in the nest boxes and 1 in the middle of the run.
Thanks for all your help.
Should I keep them all in the run for around 3 days to try to get the odd 2 hens out to lay where they are suppose to, or what should I do, like block off the laying spot by the horse's stall? I want to do this right, but don't want to have to look all over the farm for where they might be laying every day. Today I left them in the run all day and I received 5 eggs in the nest boxes and 1 in the middle of the run.
Thanks for all your help.