Not laying, not sure why...

Animal family

Nov 13, 2017
Northern Colorado
Hi all,
My duck Quackers hasn’t laid an egg since July when she had an egg binding incident.
She is 18 months old and had been laying regularly up unti then. After her egg binding she went into a molt and lost some weight despite me feeding her like crazy. She’s been unusually temperamental since July as well.
I realize they don’t lay when molting and can be hormonal however it’s been over a month since she stopped molting and she’s stil a bit feisty and no egg.
I don’t care if she never lays another egg, she is my pet but I worry about her.
All other systems are fine, and she still loves her drake Cheese.
I feed her really good food and she gets oyster shell and mealworms, peas and lettuce.
I am not sure why she hasn’t laid since July that way too early to be through for the year. Maybe she has some mechanical egg laying problems and she just won’t lay any longer. My goose stopped laying once she turned 4 yrs old. Only alternative would be to have a vet examine her for internal laying but if there was infection I’m sure she’d be very sick.
Ya she’s not sick that’s for sure, and honestly, after the scary egg binding incident this past July, I don’t care if she ever lays again!
Just wanted to make sure I’m not missing anything, you guys all helped me so much with the egg binding.
That’s good she isn’t sick . I am the same way I was very concerned when my goose just up and quit laying, worried she might have been egg bound but as the weeks went on and she was still herself eating acting normal just decided it was just her. Last two years they go through breeding season same as before just no eggs. And I am relieved she is just healthy. Hopefully this is all that is going on with your girl. Keep us updated on her from time to time.

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