Not new but renewed.


12 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Pensacola, FL
Hi, all,
I used to keep chickens in northern Florida- Heritage Roadies. Now I live on the northern plains at the edge of the Rockies. The cold seemed like a big challenge just to keep chickens alive through the winter unless they were housed in a big expensive insulated coop. Re-education: They only need a dry, well ventilated place out of the wind. I have a hundred year old single car garage that is useless for the car, but keeps my bees out of the weather and high winds and is perfect for chickens.
I am thinking about cold hardy, dual purpose hens- Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons. Not familiar with the breeds, but they are said to be sweet natured and good layers.
I am looking forward to learnng more about them before they arrive in the spring.
Birds and bees in one garage? :confused:
Hi Kate, welcome! :frow i've had BO in the past and now have BA and can testify to their mild natures, although I do not make pets of mine. I will say that I found the BO to be too broody for my needs and won't have them again though I did love them. The BA seem less inclined to be broody, which works better for me. We also have Easter Eggers, my all-time favorite and I will probably never be without them! Enjoy your chicken keeping and good luck!

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