Not New Member


Jul 14, 2021
Texarkana, Texas
I am not new to the forum just haven't been on in awhile.
My rhode island reds which are 2 years old this month have stopped laying. Live in Northeast Texas it has been pretty warm and really humid plus during 4th of July there were so many fireworks shot off around my neighborhood I am wondering if it is a combination of both stresses.
Anybody in this area on here having the same issues?
I am not new to the forum just haven't been on in awhile.
My rhode island reds which are 2 years old this month have stopped laying. Live in Northeast Texas it has been pretty warm and really humid plus during 4th of July there were so many fireworks shot off around my neighborhood I am wondering if it is a combination of both stresses.
Anybody in this area on here having the same issues?
I don't live nearby, but 2 years old is already quite old for RIRs, they would have lower egg production in general. Being in a warm climate could also stress them out, I know that egg production may drop that way too. Some people like to add ice into their water to cool them off and provide cool places fo dust bathe (which should be available anyways). Some chickens may also start molting early. If they are molting, their bodies would take a rest from laying as well. Feeding higher protein during molting season is what I usually do as it helps the hens to grow back their feathers nicely.
Hello and welcome back to BYC! :frow

Fear and stress can definitely clamp off the eggs for a while. So can the heat. Make sure they have plenty of water, resist too many treats and of course a good diet. You can stop by your state thread and see what they are saying too....

Welcome back!

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