Not quite sure what she is...


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 27, 2010
I'm not quite sure what she is, and I'm not getting any help from the seller. Maybe he's not sure either? He had a lot of RIR's, and I think it is likely a cross of some type...

Anyway, here she is at about 10 weeks?

Yep, looks like a mix for sure, I'd say probably RIR X with Buff Orp. Since like Sonoran Silkes said, it does have a mess Buff columbian color and RIRs are Red Columbain and that is similar to whay you would get when crossing them to a Buff Orp.
I've been wondering... I think he tried to tell me it was a RSL, but don't those have white spots versus dark?
So I finally got a reply from the seller's daughter after sending her a pic. She says she thinks it might be a cinnamon queen... Can someone enlighten me?

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