Not something else...Guinea hurt......NOW 2 DEAD CHICKENS TODAY 10-19


11 Years
May 19, 2011
The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!
but better than somethings...

Ok,one of my 10 week old guineas has a hurt leg. He was in a large enclosure with 23
other guineas his age. In this guinea pen I had put some crates with two facing each
other, space in between and some wood atop the two and the space/or inside the crates gives
them a safe place to hide from a bully or whatever. So, what happened is a slat in one of
the crates had broke on one end and somehow, I don't know how, this little guy got
a leg caught between that broke slat a another and there he was when I went out for
their morning feeding and when I freed him he quitely let me hold
him for a good 1/2 hour or so while I fixed him a 'hospital room'. He had a tiny scrape
on his leg, put neo on it and a loose wrap so he would not mess with.
Put some poly-vi-sol, and niacin in his water and have him near me but isolated from
the others. His "ankle joint" area was/is the only place where I saw any swelling.

Okay...what else do I need to do for him???
today, 10-19...
AND ONE BLACK STAR HEN MISSING/GONE...... this seems to be my luck...I have lost 8 hens in 5 months...
22 ducks in the past year and half and 25 guineas in the last 12 months.... why do I keep trying??
I must be feeding something real well but other than once on camera ( a coyote?) I have not seen the
nasty critters that are taking my babies from me... why......
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I'd just let him rest it for a few days, watch for more swelling, and keep his cage in the pen with the others so they do not reject him when you finally put him back in. Re-medicate the scrape if needed. If the swelling does not get any worse and he's putting weight on it I'd get some Blu-Kote, dab it or spray it on the scrape to hide it from the other birds and then turn him back in with his flock-mates. Keep an eye on the scrape to make sure the others are not cannibalizing it, and if they are... back in the cage he needs to go until the scrape is better healed and less visible to the others. Typically Guineas will baby themselves by limping around and resting often until leg/foot injuries are healed.
YW, good luck with him, hope he heals fast.

I swear some Guineas just hatch with a deathwish, and if there is a way they can hurt themselves (or get themselves killed) they'll find it, lol.
YW, good luck with him, hope he heals fast.

I swear some Guineas just hatch with a deathwish, and if there is a way they can hurt themselves (or get themselves killed) they'll find it, lol.

That's reassuring...*currently heading out to the barn to bubblewrap the 3 youngins'* LOL!
I agree they are their own worse enemy. Think they hurt theirselves often when they spaze out!

Found a keet hanging upside down today! He is in the grow out coop & I have 14 that go into a rabbit hutch that is inside their pen. Somehow the bird got it's foot caught in the lid to the hutch. It opens from the top, so I am guessing they got to flying around in there & One hit the roof hard enough to open the top so the keet got it's foot stuck while flying to around. No idea how long he had been hanging upside down by 1 foot. He was so cold & had no color.

He is now inside in a warm box with food & water. He is looking better & has managed to move from one side to the side with the water. Think he will be ok after some rest. Sure your guinea will have a quick recovery as well.
YW, good luck with him, hope he heals fast.

I swear some Guineas just hatch with a deathwish, and if there is a way they can hurt themselves (or get themselves killed) they'll find it, lol.

That's reassuring...*currently heading out to the barn to bubblewrap the 3 youngins'* LOL!

LMAO, bubble wrap!
LOL, sorry to laugh but see what I mean? Deathwish!!!!

He should be ok with plenty of warmth, rest and time to let his equilibrium get back to normal... maybe some electrolytes too if ya haven't given him some already. He may be gimpy for a while on that leg and favor it, cuz I'm sure he's sore as heck (I know I definitely would be, lol).

LOL, I'm still chuckling... that was a pretty serious hang up, shoulda taken a pic!
Glad you rescued him
Just a heads up, when wrapping a leg, always make sure to check the toes a few minutes, an hour, and a few hours later. If the bandage is too tight, the toes will swell compare to the good side.

Also, do you mean the joint where the toes come together (the metatarsal joints) or the hock? If the first, check online for how to wrap this in an open toe position if you don't already know. It won't hurt for a day, but will soon cause issues with tendons.
My suicidal guinea is looking normal, but not moving. Picked him up to change the bedding & he sat in my lap for 10 min & never moved or fussed. Dh said maybe this is a tame one. I reminded him that it wasn't tame 24 hours ago!!! I am sure in a couple of days he will be ok-- just needs to get over the shock of hanging upside Dow. For who knows how long! His foot still doesn't have all the color back, but nothing appears broke

Dh used to not believe me when he was @ work & I would tell him things like had the guinea in the colapsable dog box guinea jumped up & got it's head stuck between the metal bars & the guinea was just hanging in the cage feet dangling & it's neck stuck. Now he doesn't doubt a word of it. Those birds get theirselves into more situations than my chickens ever have!

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