Hello, I have 5 roosters and 6 hens. They are now almost 7months old, they are HUGE lol but um no eggs yet, haven't even found shells. The roosters killed a raccoon a week ago, I was told roosters don't get along well, mine have been so far, they stick together more than they do with the hens. I take it a raccoon got into their run when I heard unusual squaking, went to check it out, found an enormus raccoon bleeding badly and the 5 roosters spurring it, ripped an ear off, I ran in and dragged it out, it died shortly after, non of the roosters or hen's even have scratches. I'm not sure if I should just leave them as I have? I've been giving them the usual feeder pellets from Menyards in town, from reading around I'm assuming they arn't having enough protein to lay eggs? Any advice on what I should do about the roo's or hen's would be very welcomed.