Not sure if normal behavior for my roo's n hens..


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 4, 2014
West Michigan
Hello, I have 5 roosters and 6 hens. They are now almost 7months old, they are HUGE lol but um no eggs yet, haven't even found shells. The roosters killed a raccoon a week ago, I was told roosters don't get along well, mine have been so far, they stick together more than they do with the hens. I take it a raccoon got into their run when I heard unusual squaking, went to check it out, found an enormus raccoon bleeding badly and the 5 roosters spurring it, ripped an ear off, I ran in and dragged it out, it died shortly after, non of the roosters or hen's even have scratches. I'm not sure if I should just leave them as I have? I've been giving them the usual feeder pellets from Menyards in town, from reading around I'm assuming they arn't having enough protein to lay eggs? Any advice on what I should do about the roo's or hen's would be very welcomed.

I don't know about the egg situation, but you have some impressive roosters. Congratulations on the dispatched coon. Beware, usually, it ends the other way, with a single coon able to wipe out an entire flock in one night. Coons are very capable of tearing chicken wire apart to get to their prey. I would warn you to NEVER touch a coon, skunk or rodent with your bare hands. They carry some nasty diseases, rabies being only one of them.
I don't know much about that situation, but I do know 1 rooster is perfect for 5 hens and up. I think 5 roosters might be way too much.

Good Luck!
5 roosters to 6 hens is way to many. Your hens are going to start getting beat up too. Once your roosters get older there will be some nasty fights.

Just my opinion, good luck
I'll take some new pics of my babies, yeah when I found out 5/11 chicks that I had gotten were roo's I started looking to re-home all but 1. And couldn't find a place who wouldn't eat them and figured if someone had to eat them my family would, however I was waiting till they started showing signs of aggression to eachother (to make it easier on me for killing them, feels impossible with them being so friendly) and they do nothing but lay on eachother, no feathers being pulled, nobody scratching, just all of them crow together, when one of them does they all do which is ok since im out in the country :p But the reason we even got the chicks were to raise them for egg layers so I'm not sure about the egg part. But the roo part I guess I'm still waiting for them to do something towards eachother before culling one or more of them. Can't wait to post the pics, they've grown up so fast since they were tiny chicks that fit in one hand :p
Blah I'm horrible at taking photos lol but I took a few of these yesterday morning with my neice and nephew, they like to help me feed the chickens, gave them some of the extra chick feed I had to let them feed em. I'll post some up close ones a little later.

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