Not sure if the embryo is dead inside the egg please help


Jul 12, 2016
Hi on Saturday I found an egg on my doorstep, I am not sure how it got there but I couldn't find a nest nearby. The egg was still warm so I brought it inside.

I kept it on a heated blanket in a box throughout Saturday and on Sunday morning went out and purchased an incubator.

On Saturday I candled the egg, there were lots of veins and I could see a lot of movement.

In went in the incubator on Sunday morning and was doing well. However, early this morning when I checked on it there was no movement inside the egg at all and when I checked again later the dark 'shadow' inside was in exactly the same position so I don't think it's moved at all.

There are still lots of veins visible as well as the air sac, although a new thicker vein has appeared at the top near the sac (it isn't a ring).

Do you think the embryo has died or is this normal for it not to move at all for a while.

Would all the veins go if it had died?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It still looks alive to me. If it is dead, within a few days the veins will recede and there will either be no veins at all, or a blood ring, but for now it looks fine. The only thing is that the air cell looks way too big.
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It still looks alive to me.  If it is dead, within a few days the veins will recede and there will either be no veins at all, or a blood ring, but for now it looks fine.  The only thing is that the air cell looks way too big.  

Thanks for your reply, that's reassuring. I did think the air cell was too big, from what I read online this means the humidity is too low. Is that right?
Thanks for your reply, that's reassuring. I did think the air cell was too big, from what I read online this means the humidity is too low. Is that right?
Yes the humidity was too low. I don't think there is any way to add 'liquid' back into the egg once it is lost. The chick may not have enough room to grow properly and turn correctly into the position to hatch...But I'm no expert on hatching. I hope everything goes well.

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