Not sure if this in an emergency/illness - squirty poop

Brenda Jones

Sep 9, 2020
Upper Eastern Peninsula of Michigan
I have 3 21week old Sapphire gem pullets. One has been laying since Dec.22nd, the other two really just got started last week. I just started transitioning them to layer feed. and now today they seem to have very liquid poop. They have been able to forage some (they normally fence range) and I supplement their greens as there is not much for them to forage right now. Should I be worried ? is this some parasite from the soil ? Too many greens? ( the greens they have been getting this week have been turnip greens, kale, wheat grass) please advise.... they are acting totally normal.

Update: my husband reminded me that I did give them a small piece of watermelon this afternoon as well.

but now my question is does this girls vent look okay?


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The chickens vent does not look right in the picture. Does it always look that way? It may be a prolapse.
The chickens vent does not look right in the picture. Does it always look that way? It may be a prolapse.
I am not sure if it always looks like that. this is the first time I have been able to get her turned over to look at it, since she was about 15 weeks old, and I didn't know what I was looking for then. I will keep an eye on it. (she could have just puckered because I was washing it) Is there something I should do if it is not right? I will try to get her alone tonight and grab another pic.

UPDATE: I was able to grab her and get her turned over enough to get a good look at her vent (really hard to find through all that fluff) and it looks perfectly normal today- no redness at all, she also laid her first REAL egg today (no soft shell)
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