Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Junebuggena & Queen Misha believed Barnie a roo by photo young Barnvelder Rooster on Google. The other not a Barnie ? Relief for pullet. And I have MPC bird Blue Barred Cuckoo Marans roo told byc hooks man not a Marans but a Blue Andalusian mix. The BBCM hen now laying for 1 wk a mint egg!
on right I think and she now has floppy comb.
The first one is supposed to be a barred rock and the second one doesn't look anything like my other wellsummers now or when it was a chick.

The black arrow is him/her as a chick and the red arrow is a wellsummer as a chick.

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