Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Oh, one is 5 days and the other is 4 days I think.
I got them through by incubator.
Only they hatched, though... But they're the first!
Did someone give you the eggs? They are to young to sex unfortunately.
I have 12 birds that range from 2.5 weeks to about 5 weeks. I know the youngest are probably too early, however 7 are blue chicks from a Splash Rooster and a Barred Rock mom. Thus, I'm curious if any of the sexing traits of barred rocks or sexlinks apply. The other 5 are Easter Eggers. Let me know what you think and I can post again in a few weeks.

Blue Chick 1:

Blue Chick 2:

Wheaton Easter Egger Chick 3 (4 weeks):

Blue Chick 4 (Largest of the Birds):

Blue Chick 5:

Blue Chick 6:

Easter Egger Chick 7:

Easter Egger Chick 8:

Easter Egger Chick 9:

Chick 10 Lavendar Easter Egger (5 weeks):

Blue Chick 11:

Blue Chick 12:

I'm really inexperienced, but it is my understanding that your splash rooster (non-barred) over a barred hen produces solid blue color females and blue barred boys with a white dot/spot on back of head. Based upon that, you should be able to tell the boys from the girls. Looks like several have barring. They are beautiful!!!
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This is my 12 week old Mottled Java, I believe pullet. She also has the green tinting to her black feathers. And she has spur bumps, Can you confirm that she is a pullet, and I was hoping that if she is momma chickie could use her as a reference for her mottled java questions. I read that her's was very friendly, mine is not. She is very shy. But this may have more to do with the kids packing her ever where as a wee one because she was so pretty!

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I have a 2 1/2 month old Americauna my daughter is in love with. Any chance you can tell from this photo if it is a rooster?
I'm just getting started with chickens and had a friend give me 4 barred rocks when they were 4 weeks old from a straight run and now they are about 10 or 11 weeks old. We though we picked out 4 pullets but i went to let them out of the coop this morning and heard a cock-a-doodle-do. Can yall take a look at a few pics and tell me what you think whether they are pullets or cockerels?


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