Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Any experts at Hatchery Speckled Sussex? This is Puck, she's 7.5 weeks old and I accidentally cut her toe off in the run door yesterday
She's my favorite and was hopefully going to be my daughters 4H project. Now I'm wondering if she's really a pullet? I've read they can be difficult to tell. She does have some big white feathers in her wings if that means anything. Thanks a ton!

By 7.5 weeks, I'd expect that comb to be larger & more red if male. You probably have a pullet.

Although I do see a few red feathers, the comb looks very female. I'd certainly keep it because it could go either way. It's still young. Sorry I can't give a better answer.

I can say that it's likely an Easter Egger. That's basically a bird that carries the blue egg gene. The hatcheries usually mix Ameraucana x a higher production bird. You'll get a great layer & the fun blue eggs. Why they don't market them as Easter Eggers or specialty hybrids is beyond me. EEs are entertaining birds with a lot of personality.

So far they look like pullets
I agree that yours look like pullets. That 2nd one could be a Speckled Sussex if legs look white. If legs look more yellowish it could be a Welsummer or Brown Leghorn. The Leghorns have larger combs, so perhaps Welsummer.
I'm holding out hope that I have a pullet, but she's looking more like a roo. Anyone? She/ he is 3 weeks.
With those wattles at only 3 weeks, this little one's a boy.

For some reason the order is all funky but I hope it all makes since. These are all 8 to 9 weeks old and would love feedback to see how I did with sexing these. #2 and #3 act like boys but look like girls.
Can you help me with these two seven week old Easter eggers? They seem so alike except the one has a much wider breast, you can feel he is heavier and the comb has a more distinct 3 rows. Does this make it a chance the one is a Misses or are both cockerels?

This is a side view

Front of comb
I'm having bad luck...4 chickens out of 12 chicks...
If they are about 7 weeks old, then I hate to say that all 3 look like males. Pullets don't get pinkish until about 15-20 weeks.

I have this one white legbar, which I until now was certain was a hen. The last week she/he has shown large and rapid comb's 4 months old. Do you think its a hen or roo? Thanks!
At 4 months, SHE could be getting close to laying an egg. (Especially if SHE's never crowed.)

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