Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Thank You. I am not sure but the wife agrees with you.

Honestly I don't feel a 100% confident to say either way, I feel like its comb is to big for a hen but to small for a cockerel :(. How has it been acting?
X2. I don't see much of saddle feathers and there's no tail feathers to go by, so it is pretty tricky :p but hey... Wrong guesses can happen all the time. I called my rooster a hen for the longest time. Fellow BYC'ers confirmed him for me though. I really want to say confidently ROOSTER, but I honestly am on the fence :p
Hey all! I have a pair of Brahma/BYMix chicks and need to know who my rooster is, if any. Both have pea combs and are about 6-8 weeks old.

Chick 1: Maggie (we think mom was an EE as she had very fluffy cheeks as a chick)




Chick 2: Rufio


So we got our chicks and was told they couldn't determine the gender but I have recently seen vegan videos where Male chicks are being ground up for dog food. Were we lied to? I will post photos tomorrow. They were hatched Febuary 18 and the family has a contest going on about gender.
Hi guys

I posted this a couple days ago but I think the pics went a bit funny so am posting again in the hope of some help....

Bought a mixed bunch of week olds (few weeks ago now!) and was told one of the bunch is an Andalusian...however I'm not so convinced. I'm thinking it might be a bit of a cross??? I'm also not entirely sure of gender either as this is the only one of the group and nothing to compare with therefore. He/she seems to have yellow legs and a pea comb which I'm not sure are true traits of an Andalusian (could be totally wrong however), s/he also has the odd golden feather here and there plus is getting a bit of a 'beard' like my lav aracuauna......

Any ideas of breed/gender??

Thanks so much

[quotdon'tame="Mr Beaks" url="/t/1096787/not-sure-if-youve-got-a-pullet-or-cockerel-click-here-thread-2/720#post_16988871"]




What are your thoughts on this one for breed and gender? It's 6 weeks old. Thanks!
Im leaning towards pullet :)

Great, thank you! Any guesses on breed?
at firfirst glance I thought white Rock, but I'm probably wrong :)[/quote

Well, the feed store said it was a white rock but someone on another forum said it wasn't. I've gotten 4 different opinions from various people so I don't know what to think. She was white as a baby with a faint buff spot on her head. She also has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen on a bird although it doesn't show well in the photos as they were taken with my phone.
Thank yiu for taking the time to look!
Hi guys I posted this a couple days ago but I think the pics went a bit funny so am posting again in the hope of some help.... Bought a mixed bunch of week olds (few weeks ago now!) and was told one of the bunch is an Andalusian...however I'm not so convinced. I'm thinking it might be a bit of a cross??? I'm also not entirely sure of gender either as this is the only one of the group and nothing to compare with therefore. He/she seems to have yellow legs and a pea comb which I'm not sure are true traits of an Andalusian (could be totally wrong however), s/he also has the odd golden feather here and there plus is getting a bit of a 'beard' like my lav aracuauna...... Any ideas of breed/gender?? Thanks so much
Looks like a rooster. I'm horrible at breed so I can't help you there.
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Hey all! I have a pair of Brahma/BYMix chicks and need to know who my rooster is, if any. Both have pea combs and are about 6-8 weeks old.

Chick 1: Maggie (we think mom was an EE as she had very fluffy cheeks as a chick)




Chick 2: Rufio



I'd keep an eye on the first one.. Little suspicious with those pinking combs at that young. Then again it could be an early bloomer pullet. Second one is a pullet. :)
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I'd keep an eye on the first one.. Little suspicious with those pinking combs at that young. Then again it could be an early bloomer pullet. Second one is a pullet. :)

Darn... This just confirmed my suspicions.... Rufio was supposed to be our rooster. Guess it might be "Maggie" instead. Not the worst case, I guess. They'd both sire cute chicks. :)

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