Not sure this is even possible but.....


Apr 3, 2019
Ok so I've had a broody hen since march. I did not feel comfortable enough to buy hatching eggs and letting her set on them. She has never hatched a single egg well until today! Well the eggs I incubating only 1 hatched. Soooooo here's the question, the one is a week old and the broody hatched one today, I know eggs can keep hatching for a few days but at what point of ever can I put the 1 week old with the hen to be with her as it's super lonely?
She might accept it. There isn't a very great age difference between her chicks and the week old. When she is sleeping, slip the week old under her. She might not realize it's there until the morning, and then she will think it's one of her chicks.
You will have to put it under her soon. After all her chicks have hatched, she will focus on caring for them and will not accept another chick.
Omg I'm dying here! You also were helping me when this week old was 3 days old! Same baby! But omg we never thought broody hen would hatch even one!

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